SGA - The New Ep

Jul 15, 2006 16:01

Well, after an agonising four and a half hour wait for the download, I finally got to watch the new Atlantis ep.


Rodney was his normal, funny self, I was glad to see. While trapped in a Wraith cocoon next to Ronon, Rodney tried to decide which would be worse: Death by a Wraith feeding, or burning to death. I think it was a perfectly valid question and, more than likely, it would be a question that would drift through my brain should I be in the same or similar situation.

Once Ronon had freed himself and then Rodney they searched out and found themselves an interface to the Wraith’s ships systems with a plan to wreck havoc.

Rodney: Their operating system is a mess. Thank goodness I remembered DOS. (turns to Ronan) Trust me, that was hilarious.

BWAHAHAHAH!! I hear ya, McKay. I remember DOS too.

John was fantastic, too, bless his little cotton socks. I had a small panic attack when his ship got hit.

I am a little disappointed that John didn’t directly rescue Rodney. I was willing to go without the nudity and sex because we all know they’re gonna go do that anyway and it would just end up on the editing room floor the same way it always does, but I was hoping for a little tender scene. Well, it’s TBC so maybe next week? Hee! Of course I’ll be at Writercon (omgsqueesoveryfrightenedbutexcited) so I won’t get to see it until I come back, but by then there will be two eps to d/l and I think the S2 guide and another novel should be out by then, so that’s plenty to look forward to.

Anyway, in conclusion, I loved it and I desperately want and need more. Wasn’t long enough!!!!!

sga eps, sga

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