Sorry for double post. Just saw this, couldn't NOT talk about it ^_^;;
Count Down TV had its 15th anniversary yesterday, and NEWS did a medley of weeeek, Taiyou no Namida, and Happy Birthday. I was obviously most excited about seeing Happy Birthday live.
-, They sang everything LIVE! no playback. And it came out really well ^_^
-, hair change? Kei-chan = no no; Shige = no no; Massu = same ol'; Tegoshi = seen before; Yamapi = I don't even want to think what THAT looks like; Ryo-chan = he cut his hair (or at least it seems so to me ^_^;;)
ZSU-CHAN! The jacket finally came off!!! What do you think?
YAY for the vest ^__^
They're trying to be cute but Shige totally fails, cuz he's a cam!whore XD
The choreographer needs to be sued, or.. tortured, or something >___>
There is no way that can be a nice choreography. It hurts my eyes to see that ><'
I wonder if they have a say in the choreography... I guess not >__>
tenjo-chan, arigatou <3
ja, off to bed. oyasumi~