If you're visiting from JORDAN or anywhere near LIVORNO or COLOGNE please leave me a comment here. I'm always on the lookout for people near me ^_^
If you want to friend me:
I'd be happy about it. It would be nice if you left a comment here, but I've kind of given up on people doing that ^_^;
If you want me to friend you back:
Makes me happier, but please leave a comment here. I won't if you don't ^_^
Tell me a bit about yourself, how you found me, why you think we should become friends, anything you want.
And once you asked me to friend you, don't forget to friend me ^_^
I mostly write in English. Italian (Japanese, or any other language I see fit) might sneak in sometimes though for random thoughts.
Most of my posts are public. Locked posts are mainly me ranting. Entire Italian posts will be filtered.
Some media posts will be locked from now on, too.
If you're looking for my subs:
Last Friends-,
Mao yoroshiku onegaishimasu~