Halloween meme. maybe.

Nov 01, 2010 23:46

Happy Halloween everyone! Play any album you like: Keeper of the Seven Keys, Walls of Jericho, or 7 Sinners. Ooops, that’s HELLOWEEN.

Anyway, here’s the meme I carefully stole from finite_farfalla .

~ First meme ~

★ Create a graphic (200 x 200 max size) to represent your personal "candy". It should have your username on it, but otherwise can feature whatever you want. Make it something special since it's self-representative.

★ Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and be sure to repost these instructions.

★ Then, go around other people's LJs and reply to them with either "trick" or "treat". If you reply with "trick", they will give you an LJ dare that you have to perform before taking their candy. If you're too wimpy for that, simply say "treat" and take their candy.

★ List all your collected candies in your original "trick or treat?" post to show off your collection

Here’s my personal candy.

It’s self representative, and so self explaining, right? ;)

I chose “trick”, so I have to do this…

Squidward-Spongebob-Patrick love triangle. How lebay can it be?

Maaf kalo saya langsung ke kesimpulan. Dalam hubungan ini, Squidward-lah yang paling menderita. Dari awal, dia memang paling menderita. Paling snob, tapi nggak ada modal buat di-snob-in. Inget episode kelas melukis? Spongebob yang dianggap bodoh ternyata dalam sekali coret bisa menyamai Leonardo da Vinci. Padahal gurunya, si Squidward, usaha mati-matian tapi cuma bisa bikin lukisan yg yeah…di bawah standar dia sendiri. hahaha

Oke balik ke cinta segitiga.

Spongebob dan Patrick adalah OTP. Dan canon. Titik.

Spongebob mendamba Squidward. Itu juga canon. Dan bukan Spongebob namanya kalo nggak mendamba chara lain. Semua didamba, sampe ubur-ubur beracun juga didamba. Lalu gimana dgn Squidward? Ah, semua juga tahu kalo Squidward bakal kesepian tanpa tetangga yang nyebelin itu. bahkan saat dia ingin kedamaian mutlak, alias tanpa mahkluk spon kotak kuning itu, dan keinginannya terkabul (dia berada di ruang putih kosong tanpa sudut dan garis dan batas apapun), dia langsung inget si penghuni rumah nanas itu kan?

Squidward dan Patrick. Mereka bersaing untuk mendapatkan Spongebob. Squidward pernah memanipulasi pesan gelembung antara mereka berdua, sehingga dua mahkluk laut nan bodoh itu berantem. Udah jelas kan perasaan Squidward ke Patrick? Lalu gimana sebaliknya?

Patrick sih nggak pernah mikirin apa-apa. Sebodo amat kek BFF-nya dicuri Squidward atau Mr. Crab, toh dia nggak tahu apa yg terjadi. Dan si spon kuning rebutan semua lelaki Bikini Bottom itu (wakakak) juga nggak tahu apa yang terjadi. Klop dah.

Sekian shipping manifesto ini. blaaaagh~!

~ Second meme ~

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.

2. List (and upload) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.

3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

5 songs with T

-          The Great Gig in the Sky -by Pink Floyd.

Initially called ‘Mortality Sequence’, this song is about man’s journey to death. A beautiful piece of keyboard work of Richard Wright and amazing vocal of Clare Torry, I’d like to have this song on my funeral… (which is unlikely to happen, cause who can replace Holy Quran verses for Muslim funeral?)

-          The Trees - by Rush.

It’s about mutiny. Maple trees revolt against oak trees because: “the oaks are just too greedy as they grab up all the light”. I don’t want to be a spoiler, but the story has a sad ending (but funny. :P)

-          Time - by Pink Floyd.

Yeah, another Pink Floyd song. Blame the one who gave me T. lol. As one can expect, this song is about time: “And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun”.

-          Terra Hidria - by Hidria Spacefolk.

An instrumental piece. Well, all Hidria Spacefolk songs are instrumental. And spacey. This song is less insane -as my brother put it- than their other works. haha.

-          Tom Sawyer - by Rush.

I chose this because I avoid another “The” song titles. Lol, just kidding. This is the most popular song of Rush. A good one too. It’s like an abstract of their philosophy. Well, Ayn Randt’s philosophy on individualism to be more precise. Here’s the quoted lyrics: “no his mind is not for rent to any god or government.”



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