Fangirls are Evil.

Oct 14, 2010 04:32

Fangirls are Evil.

It’s true. Go ask yourself :)

So I've been plunging myself to the fanshit world, and that's my conclusion. Why do I say 'fanshit', instead of 'fandom'? Fandom is where you try to make something beautiful to appreciate whatever or whomever you love. Fanshit is where you babble and kyaaa kyaaaaing on something or someone you love. Appreciation? Maybe. But would it be better if you make sensible comment, a relevant one, instead of just eyeing someone’s hotness? That’s what I do. No, not the sensible one. Yup, the stupid one. o.O

But evil? Well, try to remember how many times you want your favorite characters make hot -or violent- love to each other (even to you)? Ok, the question should actually be asked to me. XDD

And why I come up with the title? It’s because of the slash community.
and I’m a fan of slash too.

Not this Slash, of course :p

I think it’s okay to ship your favorite fictitious male characters. It’s okay to portray them having hot magmatic animal sex… *pause to drool at the mental picture* … because they’re not real persons. And I can still understand it when fans of cute, young (boys) band make slash fanarts or fanfictions, or shipping manifesto of them. Whatever. They probably are gays, anyway. XDD And I can’t deny that male cuteness and hotness allow you to unleash your wildest imagination.

But I was kinda upset when I saw this community ( I mean, it’s Pink Floyd. The band that lived before time began, whose members are now older than the land you step on. They're older than the mountain! And I think there are more slash communities like that one. Beatles_slash, Zeppelin_slash, or name any handsomegrandpaband_slash.

Come on. Girls, have respect for these (hot) grandpas!

Someone says that making slash fanfiction/fanart/fanwork about men who are not (officially) homosexual is a compliment toward the men. Ha! Compliment on their sexiness? :-/

I can’t make myself agree to that opinion. I’m a fujoshi, a slash lover. But I won’t allow myself to think that these gods of rock ‘n roll would make love to each other during recording break or behind the stage. That would be ewwwww~!

Although these ones look cute


Hey, don’t start with that. They’re straight. STRAIGHT! And the picture …
errrr....It’s a BLASPHEMY!


No, no, no. NO!

They’re just harmonizing vocals. And the stage light was right upon them. It’s all a matter of stage arrangement and vocal harmonizing. That’s all.

But… Did their lips happen to touch during the mic sharing? *drools involuntarily*

Oh, well. They do look cute together.


Okay, I give up.

They are my OTP. I hate to admit it, though. *cross fingers*
Well, it’s actually their fault. Why did they have to fight for 25 years? Why did they write the whole Animals album together, but kill each other in the next album? Which reminds me that I must explain these:

* Don’t be fooled by this image. Most people think they were all (yup, all the 4 guys) stoned during the interview. Lol.

** During this tour, everyone had clash with Roger. Including David. So I think it’s very hard for both of them to share microphone and sing with the person they hate most. I can’t help smiling when I watch the video of this. They’re only close at the refrain (oooh I need a dirty woman, oooh I need a dirty girl), and quickly walked away from each other after that. If someone make an animated gif icon out of it, that would be mint!

*** Naturally, guitarist is closer to bassist. It’s probably because melody needs to harmonize with rhythm section. I’m not musician. I don’t know much about this, but seems it’s the best explanation I can give. lol. And their body language is always like that. Roger acclaims himself the star of the stage, while David is busy with his guitar (and mic). And when Dave’s without his guitar, he’s busy with his greasy hair. Lol.

I still blame them, though. Sometimes they do unleash fangirls’ dirty imagination.


Btw, that’s Rush. A band that’s unlikely has fangirls. And why do I post their pictures here?

No particular reason. I just want to show them off. I don’t think you’d interested in them, though. :D

And they’re not gays. So keep that dirty mind for Justin Bieber, girls. Enough with shipping gods of rock ‘n roll! You may dream of being in bed with them, though :D ... cause that's what I'll do. ^_^

bye bye, (evil fan)girls! see you later in my stupid, useless rants... that is, if you're persistent enough to check my LJ

additional note on FANSHIT terminology, because google can't find it anywhere (and offer some 'did you mean fans hit?'. lame!). and I gladly acclaim myself the inventor of this shitty term. *hugs myself*
ok. fanshit is ... indefinable. lol.

Suppose you adore a musician, band, actor, or random celeb. People often appreciate them by their skills.

normal comment:
- he is a great guitarist. his solo guitar in [insert song title] is one of the most amazing solos in rock history.
- [insert band name] is an influential [insert musical genre] band of 80s. It is known for the instrumental skills of its members, complex compositions, and eclectic lyrical motifs drawing heavily on political and humanitarian concerns.

fanshit comment:
- he's sooo SMEXY! i mean, don't you wanna grab his sexy ass? bet he's good in bed too
- is it true that [insert band name] breaks up? that's too bad. cause X and Y together are so cuuuuute!

- you don't like [insert band name]? have you ever listened to their [insert album name or song title]? what? you don't like it? YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

(uhm. doesn't the last one sound like a fandumb? :-/
well, boys are dumb. lol.)

so, that's what I do. commenting on someone's (or some band's) looks and gossips.
i hunt their photos.
(hey, do you have pic of Roger and David bickering/bitchslapping/mudwresting in 80s?)
i google their gossips everytime i'm online.
(he's not divorced yet? damn. what does he see in her? *googling for his marriage crisis symptoms like crazy*)

well, I can make sensible comment on my favorite band/musician/actor's skill.
(I love his bluesy tunes. they're so...soulful.)
but when non-fans confront me, my fanshit takes over :D
(non-fan: that guitarist? if i could meet him, i'd say: 'hey, X. how should i say about you? oh yeah. you're not important at all.'
me: well, he's not bad guitarist...
non-fan: it begins with rhythm and ends with rhythm. that's all. he's not important.
me: but he's .... gorgeous. and funny. and ... how can you not love him? *holds back tears*)

the last conversation did happen. :D

rush, fangirl, pink floyd, fanshit

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