(no subject)

Aug 28, 2011 18:59

Application - Beta For Hire

Name: Phreakycat

Position: Beta

Categories I Beta: Slash, gen, angst, AU, H/C (my favorite, esp if Mike is the one being whumped!), humor, 5+1, anything really except...

Categories I Do Not Beta: ... Het, major character death, fics where the main characters are seriously out of character in a very dark way (i.e. serial killers, rapist, etc)

Pairings I Beta:  I much prefer Harvey/Mike but will beta other pairings so long as it's lead-up to Harvey/Mike in the end.

Pairings I Do Not Beta:  Het pairings that are not plot devices to an ultimate slash pairing.

Characters I Beta:  I feel like my strength lies in dealing with Mike, Harvey,and Donna, but the fandom is still so new that I feel I could probably adapt to dealing with other characters with a little effort.

Characters I Do Not Beta:  Jenny.  Sorry, she just seems really underdeveloped in the show to me so I have a hard time writing/beta-ing her.

Type Of Beta I Provide:  Grammar and flow are my strengths.  I'm good at letting you know if a sentence feels awkward, a paragraph seems out of place, or a scene needs some fleshing out.  I'm pretty good at sentence structure so I might suggest alternate wording here and there, or point out repetitiveness or cliched phrases.  I'm always happy to help with characterization (i.e. "How do you think Mike would react if Harvey did _____?" or "Does it seem out of character for Harvey to _____?" etc) and plot.  It you've read my prompts on the meme you know I have an over-active imagination, so if you need some help getting un-stuck or figuring out possible directions to take the plot, I'm happy to help with that, too.  I will mention that I'm pretty meticulous when I beta for someone, so if you're just looking for someone to give it a once-over I'm probably not for you LOL.  I generally give a LOT of input because I'm anal retentive about it, so if you're looking for that I'm your gal!  I have a Suits fic on my journal if you want to check out my writing style and see if you think my form of characterization etc matches up to what you want. :)

Unfortunately, I know jack-squat about law, so if you need help with the nuts and bolts of a case, I won't be much help.  I do, however, have a background in psychology, so I'm good with fics realting to things like trauma and I'm fine with beta-ing fics that include non-con, trauma, abuse, etc (just as long as neither Mike nor Harvey are the ones doing the assaulting).  I'm also a survivor of abuse and sexual assault, so I can lend insight from a personal perspective as well (I promise, it doesn't bother me to write/read/beta that subject matter!).

Length Of Fics I Beta: I'm open for all lengths of fic - drabble to multi-chapter is fine!  I might not have time to do something Big Bang length at the moment, though.  I'm waiting on more surgery on my leg and hip, which is the only reason I'd hesitate to take on a massive fic.  I'd hate to leave you hanging mid-fic while I went off to the hospital and got all dopey on pain meds! LOL

ETA:  Feel free to PM me or comment here if you have any other questions!  I'm also fine with tackling more than one fic at a time as long as they're not epically long, so don't hesitate to ask me even if it looks like I'm already beta-ing for someone else. :)

member: beta, type: beta for hire

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