Title: MMVAs 2013 Pairings/Characters: RPF (Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto) Rating: G Disclaimer: Obvsly no connection to Chris or Zach Notes/Warnings: LET THE SUMMER OF PINTO '13 BEGIN Click the preview for the full version~
Title: Star Trek into Darkness Pairings/Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura and ??? (Benedict Cumberbatch) Rating: G Disclaimer: Obvsly this is making no profit Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for the movie? Is there? Not really?
Title: Campfire Date Pairings/Characters: RPF (Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto) Rating: G Disclaimer: Obvsly no connection to Chris or Zach Notes/Warnings: Based on the recenttweets from @halfadams and Chris returning to LA with his guitar~
Title: No Holding Back Pairings/Characters: The Social Network (Mark/Eduardo) Rating: G Disclaimer: I make no profit from this Notes/Warnings: Done for rumpledlinen's fic My Veins~!
Title: I Fought The Law... Pairings/Characters: Young Avengers (Billy/Teddy) Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Notes/Warnings: Done for coooodes's big bang I Fought the Law...! :D
Title: Before the Sun Starts to Burn Pairings/Characters: The Avengers (Natasha/Peggy) Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Notes/Warnings: Done for radioaches's big bang Before The Sun Starts to Burn! :D
Title: Roll Call Pairings/Characters: The Young Avengers and Avengers Academy Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Notes/Warnings: Done for spandexstretch's big bang Roll Call! Which is hilarious so go check it out ;D
Title: Andrew and Jesse Pairings/Characters: Andrew/Jesse Rating: G Disclaimer: I have absolutely no connection to Jesse or Andrew. Notes/Warnings: Nope~! All good clean fun~
Title: Too Cute!! Pairings/Characters: Kirk/Spock, Kirk Rating: PG Disclaimer: I have absolutely no connection to Paramount or the Star Trek franchise Notes/Warnings: Nope~! All good clean fun~
Title: I got photoshop OM NOM NOM Pairings/Characters: Kirk/McCoy Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: I have absolutely no connection to Paramount or the Star Trek franchise Notes/Warnings: Kirk is topless in one.