Okay so let's recap before we set new goals. Knowing what has been accomplished in a month probably helps one set realistic goals.
1. Research Grant Options and set deadline
Done to the extent that it is possible. Apparently a lot the dissertation grant organizations don't post their deadlines until late summer. Still, October seems to be the earliest and the large majority aren't until late December, so the goal is to have a proposal defended in late August and a chapter done in October.
2. Finish preliminary work for the Summer Course
Totally done (thought for the life of me I can't figure out why I would have capitalized summer course). Took a bit longer than I thought it would, but it was pretty interesting stuff. Susan Wolf has a great article on sanity and free-will/responsibility which I'm happy to have read.
3. Secure post-summer employment
Boy this was a doozy. This was intended to be sort of a free pass since I had already interviewed for a position I thought I would get. That sure didn't happen. After an awful lot of time/energy put into this that I'd've rather directed elsewhere it looks like I'll probably be working for
this guy which I hope is as hilarious as I think it is. The interview is on Wed. but it seems doubtful that it won't work out. Advantages: it pays 26k a year, is part time, and keeps out out at Stony Brook. Disadvantages: it keeps out out at Stony Brook 4 days a week. If that doesn't work out I'll probably be a nanny to overprivileged upper east side children, which is a story in itself. So, basically done, but I'll have to check in next time to put the final nail in the coffin.
4. Write up Euthyphro section
Well, if I had worded this properly and said "write up first section" then I could say "will be finished today". I'm starting out with Schmitt and moving Euthyphro back. So, not quite done.
5. Finish: Lefort, Luckas, Loweth, Arato
Good lord I didn't even begin with any of this.
So, what's up for next month? I'll be teaching and working, so I should probably pare back the expectations a little.
1. Get half-way through the DH glossary
2. Talk to Gary Mar about presenting my paper on rationality and religious conversion
3. Finish Reading and writing the Weber and Euthyphro sections
That seems reasonable. Maybe I'm even undershooting a little. Yeah, I'll add
4. Finished Lefort
5. Get dissertation club meetings with Cara and Celina set up.