back to my ranting

Jul 13, 2005 12:18

i left off in my last entry with something about falling flat on my ass. its not going to happen again. with the tools i have gained in the last couple years i will be more than capable of taking care of myself in the civilian world. (on a side note) adding injury to insult... yesterday i injured my back. the profile they gave me is "no wrenching" for 5 days... what the fuck is that bullshit. what kind of doctor tells you "you just have a little back pain so you can go to work but you cant do your job"? and like always they gave me some ibuprofen and some flexoral. after this Major (major pain in the ass) gave me his diagnosis i wanted to ask him a few questions, to which his reply was "what do you think this is... McDonalds, you can just ad things to the order as you go?" i asked anyways. I got some moles chopped off a while ago while i was here. THEY ARE GROWING BACK. he tells me dont worry about it... just dont mess with em. last time i checked doesnt that mean they could be cancerous? anyways. then i ask him what i can do about my nose bleeding profusely on a daily basis. he asks me how long has this been going on for. i tell him that i have always had nose bleeds but since ive been out here ive never had them so bad and frequently. he says "so now you think that we can fix that all of a sudden out here in iraq?" i wasnt expecting a miracle but i was hopping for maybe something more than saline nasal spray. whatever. all of that on top of the fact that the army still continues to harass me about my weight even though i do EVERYTHING THEY ASK OF ME... and more. my weight isint my problem... its thiers. they can kick me out if they want to. fuck em. im not fat. it just so happens that the fat i do have on my body seems to rest right there where they wrap that accursed tape around my stomach and tell me that i am a fatty mc fat fat. im sick of it. i can smoke 80% of the company running. i wake up in a daze, roll out of my bed cause someone is yelling at me for being late to the PT test. get to the place its going on with my eyes still glazed over from sleep... and i still get a fucking 256 (out of 300 for you non military fuckers) not bad considering all you need is a 180 to pass. i find myself now with an eating disorder that stems from the armys harrassment. i eat breakfast (very little... maybe some fruit and a cup of cereal) water for lunch cause im not hungry. then i binge and sometimes purge for dinner because all i want is for the harrassment to stop. is this healthy stuff for a soldier in a WAR ZONE to be worrying about??? we take PT tests EVERY MONTH NOW but you wanna know how many times ive fired my weapon since ive been here... you know, just to make sure i can hit something with it. ONCE... FUCKING ONCE. and that was a few days ago... WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR ALMOST 9 FUCKING MONTHS. once again the army proves that it cares more abotu how you look than how good you function. this is why i could never get into politics... i hate them. politicians, politics, anything having to do with BIG BUSINESS... especially when that business is WAR. anyways, i gotta run to the PX and see if they have anything i might want to purchase. thats another thing. buying myself things makes me feel better. in my next post i will break down all of my expenditures since ive been out here and we will count together how much money i have wasted of shit i could go without. untill then... fuck off.
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