
Jun 17, 2005 14:20

i gain my freedom the day of april 9, 2007, this is in 662 days. Now looking at this number and seeing as how many hours are in a day, let alone minutes, or seconds it is an increadibly large number now isn't it? well on my bedroom door i have a piece of paper telling me that on 11-22-04 it was 867 days. The sad thing is i put that up there that day. which means i have been patiently waiting since then, and i still am. i think its pretty sad when your child is counting down the days that are left until the day they can leave freely. maybe if they would look at the reality they have made for their children and actually do something about it, other than torture the people around them. Its definatly a problem when it comes down to specific days, life sux. one day i will be free. not today, not tomorrow, but one day. and that day im going to through the biggist party anyone has ever seen. i swear to god! if i make it to then im gonna be the happiest person in the world. ill be more proud of myself than anyone.
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