The sum of the square is a piece of the pie.

Jan 14, 2011 05:42

I remembered what I wanted to write about last night. I've noticed that I'm a lot weaker than I used to be. I don't mean several years ago. I mean since the start of winter. I Think my muscles have atrophied from lack of activity. On a whim I decided to get a little work out with the weights I have here at home. They felt a lot heavier than I remember them being. Sad part is that they're only 20 pounds each. That's 2 weights, 20 pounds in each hand. I should be able to lift 20 pounds with one arm no problem. That's not to say I couldn't lift them, but I got tired pretty fast. I certainly remember them being easier to lift too. I thought I was still in good enough shape where working out around the house might not be difficult enough to whip me back into shape. Clearly, I was wrong. At this point going to the gym might be unnecessary. Not that it wouldn't help, but for right now just doing push ups and sit ups and home would be a tremendous improvement. At this point I feel like any exercise I can get would help me out a lot.

I've got a big day planned for tomorrow. My boss told me today that she doesn't need me to come in tomorrow, so now that means I get a 3 day weekend. I've got a big day planned for tomorrow too. After all, I clearly need to do better at being active during those few days I have off.

Step 1: Clean this fucking room!
I've really let things go bad in my room over the last few weeks. Laundry is piled up, trash needs to be taken out, and a good vacuuming and airing out wouldn't hurt either. I don't think I've let my room get this bad in a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Step 2: Hook up my old PS2 and play DDR.
I remember getting nice and sweaty playing that silly old dance game. Should be great exercise. Plus, I've been wanting to play it for a while now.
Step 3: Clean my car.
This isn't really something that needs to be done, but I want to do it anyways. My car has a nice layer of caked on ice and snow that has been blocking my back window for the last few days. I'm far too lazy to actually scrape it all off, and I figure my car is due for a bath anyways. Plus, doing this will get me out of the house. Even if only for a little while.
Step 4: Cook something.
I've been living on microwavable meals in boxes for too long. I need to eat something that didn't come prepackaged in plastic wrap and stuffed into a cardboard box. Even if it's just something simple like tacos, it would still be better than eating another frozen meal. Bonus: Cooking something will probably get me out of the house too since I'll most likely need to pick up ingredients. I'm going to try and cook at least one meal on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'll have to look up some recipes for tasty looking foods and write up a list before I go shopping.

I've got other things I wanna pick up from the store too. Veggies and healthy type stuff to munch on and bring to work with me. That way I'm eating healthier in general, and not wasting money on crappy vending machine food. Got paid today, and my bank account is looking nice and full. Still waiting on that other W2. I like to do my taxes right away, so I can get the money faster. Probably better that I don't have that 2 grand right now. I've got $1800 in the bank now, and 2 grand more would make it $3800. I don't think I've ever had that much money at one time before. I'd be way to tempted to blow it all on useless junk. Thing is, I've still got a bit more to pay of my medical bills from my appendix removal. $3800 would be more than enough to pay off my remaining bills and still have a good chunk of change left over. Really though I should just be saving as much cash as I can for my 3rd(and final) move out to Oregon. Seems like the last two times I've moved out there money was always the biggest issue. I had to move back to MN this time because my stupid student loans got screwed up and taken away. This time I'm just gonna focus on building a stable life before I worry about school. Not like I've got much of a choice about school anyways. I can't get any more student loans, so if I ever wanna finish college I'll have to pay for it all myself. Can't do that if I don't already have a stable job/place to live. Bah! It's past 530am, and I've got a busy day tomorrow. Time for sleep.

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