Feb 16, 2004 01:20
If you had the chance to stop the end of the world would you? Now what if you could save the world but you didn't think you wanted to because there isn't anything you can find worth saveing. Now before everyone starts telling me of all the great stuff there is to save, let me say the following are unacceptacle answers, love, art, ok those will do for now if i think of anymore i'll add them. i mean as far as a species, are we really worth saveing. Besides from our own ego's, what is there that makes us so deserveing to live.This all goes with the superman syndrome , when i made the descion to kill off my superman, i forgot to realise that by killing him, i was killing a key part of myself. My desire to help people. Now that is diminishing to the point were there is a few individuals that i am actaully helping. To me these people deserve happiness they deserve another chance. I'd like to believe that it's true for the entire human race, but when you look at it, we as a race keep screwing up. How many chances do we deserve before the plug is pulled. I always used to think that humanity was always worth saveing even with its numerous flaws, but anymore i'm not so sure so what should someone do if they are the only one's that could save the world but they didn't want to becuse they didn't feel it was worthy of being saved