Perhaps indulging in my whim to have another night of peace and quiet wasn't such a good idea. It was nice at the time, drinking potions and having the Healers dote on me, but I only just grew lucid enough an hour ago to be able to do more than blink at my door and I feel fucking horrible and now Potter's gone so I feel lonely on top of it . . . I wish he would've taken me with him
I heard someone muttering about sending me down to another floor for more tests but there's nothing wrong with me that they can fix. Honestly, if Remus and Severus could figure it out why can't they? I'm tired of being here and if it weren't for the fact I've no other place to go, I'd get myself out of here by any means necessary.
Maybe they'll get bored with me and turn me out. And then I can proceed with the glorious life of a registered wizard.
I'm too tired of life to even be annoyed about that. It's a sad day when I can't get annoyed over something.
Merlin, I let them potion me up for a few hours and what do I miss? Boy Wonder's release back out into the real world.
I've got no idea when they're letting me go. Soon, maybe. They're hitting nothing but dead ends and I heard someone muttering about kicking me down to a potions specialist. I think I will find a way to steal my wand and run away before I let someone like that have at me.
Are you enjoying your first night home, at least? Please say yes. I need someone to live vicariously through.
I hate to ask for a favor like this but I don't know who else to talk to. I suppose I could ask my mother but I'd rather impale myself on a fork than be in her debt right now I don't feel comfortable doing that.
I really want out of here. There's nothing magically wrong with me, right? Can't you petition for me, or something, make them release me on the grounds that if they haven't found it yet, they aren't going to? I'll even agree to a bi-monthly visit or something but I can't stand it here anymore.
I don't know if you can do anything but if you can, I'd really appreciate your help.