Last Saturday was my seventeenth birthday. A week before I got a boyfriend, one I love immensely. Now, I am not myself anymore, but I can't say I hate not being miserable. I am truly happy, very much in love, and have wonderfull friends. Now I am sorry to report I lost some one very dear to me to the horror they call bitchyness, but I must say I'm glad she can't hurt me anymore, like she did the three years she was one of my two best friends. Now, back to my birthday two days ago. I had so much fun, and guess what. I'm going to share that with you, if you like it or not.
Please don't mind the sillyness displayed in these photographs, the people in them can't help themselfs.... AND WE LOVE IT!!!
My ex-boyfriend and now very good friend Henk, aka Angelus. They were having fun while playing air guitar to a Nightwish album. I quite laughed my head off, but still had the sense to get a camera.
Again with the air guitar pose, but this time it's Angelus and in the leather *drool* pants, my current boyfriend Kevin, aka Spike.
Didn't fool you did I? Well, I'll just tell you my nickname is Drusilla, and my friend Paula is named Darla. And, although it's without her knowledge, there is even a Harmony. I guess you could call us, or at least me and Spike, die-hard-buffy-freaks.
On with the pics
Unfortunately for me, Angelus got himself some hideous 'annoying thing' aka 'crazy frog' goggles. Even worse, the day after, seeing as he, my brother and Spike all spent the night, he took us back to where he got them and Jeffrey and Spike both got one too. The looked ridiculous. And as if that wasn't bad enough for me as the only girl there, there is a big possibility WE WERE SEEN ON TV WITH THEM WEARING THOSE HIDEOUS THINGS!!! I didn't have the heart to watch tv the last to days....
Angelus and my best friend Natascha. Natascha didn't like me for taking the picture, she'll probably hate me for posting it on lj. A well, I'll risk it, but just cuz this pic is cute!!!
The not so popular version of 'Sod off' performed by the one and only Spike. Okay, maybe not the one and only, but certainly the most idiotic. He's still cute though :P
left to right: the hint of blue shirt is Spike, then the boy laughing his head off is my non-bio brother Jeffrey, the purple thingy in the back is my mum, then me in the half see through dress, didn't realise it was that bad untill I saw the photo's, but my boyfriend didn't seem to mind, so neither do I, the cranky one in the Rammstein shirt would again be Angelus, and the pretty girl on the right is my best friend Natascha.
to explain Spike's 'just my bloody luck' face, the hand is my mum's, she's holding insence, and the boys were asked to light it in the middle of their air guitar contest. It was hounestly quite funny I guess. To me, anyway...
I was fighting a losing battle with the collar of my dress, it can go upright, as you could see in the other picture, and apperantly that was very funny to everyone and only one person was nice enough to help. But not before he too laughed his head off. My friends are so nice...
Now, Spike did not expect this photo, so I guess the best way to describe the expression on his face would be with the word: huh?
Now these scary people are me and my brother Jeffrey. Don't we look pretty together? -_- nvm
This is me and my ex boyfriend Angelus. Let me explain the face I'm making. Can you see the door being slightly open? My dad was trying to come back into the room while this photo was taken. And I was trying very very very hard to keep myself from laughing. Unfortunately it didn't work.
Me and my gorgeous (he is! just not when he makes that face. at least, not if you can't see the fact that he's wearing leather...) boyfriend, and the funny guy in the back would be Yordi, and the one on the right is my brother.
and this is where I told my boyfriend and my ex they had enough alcohol for the night, and I reclamed my rightful place on that bench with my man... boy... a well, he's male, that's for sure.
Now Spike got the fact I was having fun with a camera in this one, but I scared the shit out of Angelus when he saw I had gotten it. Still say they drank to much though.
Me and my bestest friend, Natascha
No my love, you do not look like a little girl when holding Miss Edith, just like a very very very very girly man. A well, at least I know the doll is mine. The boy in my lap is Dylan. Innit he sweet?
Now, is he gorgious or what?
Me and Yordi, one of my friends. Shut up! My teeth aren't at all yellow! ow, I guess they are. Well, at least not as bad as they seem in this pic
That was it for today. I will see if I can update tomorrow and bring even funnier pics