SUHOLIDAY 2015: It's the most wonderful time of the year... again!

Feb 14, 2015 00:00

important dates | sign up form | pinch-hit only form

A new year, another round. Another reason to celebrate and shower people with love for our dear leader, Suho! \(^ o ^)/

❝ What is SUHOLIDAY? ❞
suholiday is a fanfic exchange that aims to generate more Suho!fic. It also aims to make every day a happy day - a holiday - with Suho. A Suho a day keeps the stress away!

How does an exchange work? We pair up two people based on pairings that they can write and pairings that they'd want to see written. Keep in mind that you only need to have one pairing in common to be paired up, so be extra careful when listing the pairings you'd want to see written and the pairings you can write.

Since it is an exchange, we're discouraging people from dropping out. The stakes are higher when you bail out of an exchange since you're writing for someone, not just for the sake of writing a fic. Keep in mind that there's a sad and lonely person who will be moping at the lack of fic for him/her come reveals. Here, have a Suho Face.

❝ Any RULES that I should keep in mind? ❞
1. Given that this is a Suho-centric exchange, you may only write about Suho-pairings, Suho/Joonmyun (fyeahdopplegangers), or Suho-centric (gen) fics. Crossovers are fine. OT3s/threesomes ++ are fine. Also, to clarify, third person narration is okay.
2. The minimum word count is 1,500 words. No, you can't write 1,499 words. DON'T. EVEN. TRY.
3. Do not sign up if you feel that you might have to drop out somewhere along the way. Please understand that this is an exchange and, as we've said above, someone will suffer the consequences of you dropping out.
4. Do not discuss your idea for your assignment in public (Twitter, Facebook, LJ, memes - YES, WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN). We'd like to keep the anonymity until the reveals, thank you very much.
5. Choose prompts that are not too limiting. Below are examples of a good and a bad prompt:
GOOD PROMPT: AU where Suho is a painter and (Member, ideally Kai but any pair listed up there is okay) is looking for a part-time job, so he signs up to be a model for Suho. (You've hinted at a pairing you want to read and a general idea of how the plot should be fleshed out.)
BAD PROMPT: Suho/Kai where Suho is an abstract painter and Kai is a starving student who's looking for a part-time job. Kai signs up to be a model for Suho and falls in love with him at once. But then Kai discovers that Suho is actually sucking his soul by painting him and eventually decides to kill Suho. (This is too limiting; you've already dictated the flow of the story.)
BAD PROMPT #2: Suho/Kai where Kai milks money off of Suho. (Uh. Okay. Too vague.)

❝ Important dates ❞
Sign ups begin: February 14, 2015
Sign ups end: February 25, 2015
Assignments sent out: March 1, 2015
Check in: (minimum of 1000 words) April 5, 2015
Last day to drop out without being blacklisted in succeeding events: April 24, 2015
Final deadline of fic: (minimum of 1500 words) May 6, 2015
Posting begins: May 13, 2015
Reveals: May 22, 2015

❝ Sign up sheet ❞
Below is a sample of the sign up sheet that you should have for this exchange.

Author: suholiday
Email address:

3 Suho-pairings that you can write: (Please list A MINIMUM OF 2 PAIRS)
a. Suho/Kai
b. Suho/Baekhyun
c. Suho/DO

3 Suho-pairings that you'd be happy to receive: (Please list A MINIMUM OF 2 PAIRS)
a. Suho/Chen
b. Suho/Lay
c. Suho/Xiumin

3 prompts that you'd like to see written:
* Any pairing listed above is fine
a. Pokemon AU where (Member) has just started out as a trainer and Suho is a gym leader. When chaos falls on the whole of the Unova region, they decide to team up to thwart the forces of evil (and maybe more.)
b. The Amazing Spiderman!AU with Suho as Peter Parker.
c. Pre-debut fic where he almost got into SHINee, formed a group with Jino, then ended up in EXO.

Anything in particular that you can't write? Porn.
Anything in particular that you don't want to receive? Deathfic, dark fic, anything sad.

Highest possible rating that you can write? R
Highest possible rating that you'd be willing to read? NC-17

Willing to pinch hit? Yes. Suho/Chanyeol, Suho/Sehun, Suho/Tao.

Leave a comment on this post with the following information:
Email address: emailaddress

3 Suho-pairings that you can write:

3 Suho-pairings that you'd be happy to receive: (Please list A MINIMUM OF 2 PAIRS)

3 prompts that you'd like to see written: (Please list A MINIMUM OF 3 PROMPTS | Please do not make the prompt specific to just one pairing)

Anything in particular that you can't write? (Tentacle-porn, MPREG, etc. whatever you feel uncomfortable writing)
Anything in particular that you don't want to receive? (Rape, gender/bodyswitch, Ditto or Missingno porn, etc. whatever you feel uncomfortable reading about)
Highest possible rating that you can write? (Rating: G, PG-13, R, NC-17 / Pick one)
Highest possible rating that you'd be willing to read? (Rating: G, PG-13, R, NC-17 / Pick one)

Willing to pinch hit? (Also, indicate the pairings that you'd be willing to write in a pinch.)

❝ What if I just want to PINCH HIT? ❞
No problem! We'll still be glad to have you on board. Please do note, however, that you might be called on to help at the very last minute. If you're absolutely certain that you're willing to help given tight deadlines, below is a sample of the form you have to fill out:

Author: suholiday
Email address:

Suho-pairings that you can write: All Suho pairings, Suho/Suho, Suho/world
Anything in particular that you can't write? Tentacle-porn, MPREG, dub/non-con
Highest possible rating that you can write? NC-17

Leave a comment on this post with the following information for pinch-hitting:
Email address: emailaddress

Suho-pairings that you can write:
Anything in particular that you can't write? (Tentacle-porn, MPREG, etc. whatever you feel uncomfortable writing)
Highest possible rating that you can write? (Rating: G, PG-13, R, NC-17 / Pick one)

Questions? Clarifications? Send us a private message here on LJ, tweet us at @suholidays, or email us at :) Comments are screened.

❝ 50 sign ups ❞

Sign ups are ❝ closed ❞

2015: mod post

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