Add link to tag in notification emails for entry-posted-in-tag

Dec 20, 2009 18:05

Add link to tag in notification emails for entry-posted-in-tag

Short, concise description of the idea
Add a "View entries with this tag", with a link to the tag, to notification emails for tag subscriptions.

Full description of the idea
Currently, tag subscription emails have the following format:

EXAMPLEUSERNAME has posted a new entry titled "TITLE".
The entry is tagged "COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF TAGS"

You can:

- View the entry:
- Read EXAMPLEUSERNAME's recent entries:
- Add EXAMPLEUSERNAME to your Friends list:

One could just add
- "View EXAMPLEUSERNAME's entries tagged TAGNAME":

An ordered list of benefits
  • Intuitive
  • Unlikely to be that much work
  • Good useful-to-effort ratio
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • It might break in entertaining ways at first with special characters in tag names, so it could take a bit more doing than expected
  • It's one of those invisible little things that doesn't bother you until you notice it could be better, so motivation to make it happen might not be very high.

notifications, tags, § no status

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