Change image layout default

Oct 20, 2009 13:07

Change image layout default

Short, concise description of the idea
The fact that you can change the default image layout from vertical to horizontal *ONLY* if you're posting via cell phone is ludicrous!

Full description of the idea
Allow users to alter the default image layout from a "post entry" window as well as posting from a cell phone. I loathe the vertical layout -- I want my pictures to display horizontally. I don't want to use a table because then that "fixes" the width of the page. I want them to fill the necessary space and then wrap to the "line" below!
An ordered list of benefits
  • cleaner entries -- simpler entry (without having to screw with the HTML)
  • The fact that I can do it from a mobile post but not a regular entry just absolutely blows my mind!
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • NONE! You'll make a lot of folks happy!

entry editor, lj-specific markup, § no status

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