Allow 'anonymous' commenting to be disabled, yet allow OpenID comments

Oct 19, 2009 13:44

Allow 'anonymous' commenting to be disabled, yet allow OpenID comments

Short, concise description of the idea
To allow 'anonymous' option in comments to be disabled, yet keeping the OpenID option open, forcing commentors to identify themselves if the LJ owner decides to.

Full description of the idea
Currently, it is an all or nothing situation with comments. I can either select everyone, friends or no one. I want to be able to disable the anonymous function in comments and only allow Registered LJ Users or people with OpenID credentials to post on my LJ. Open up the choices.
An ordered list of benefits
  • -More choices for the LJ owner to have. More choices are good.
  • -Gets rid of the all or nothing situation currently in operation
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • -I don't know of any issues this would cause. I see this as a win/win for all concerned.

user interface, comments, openid, § no status

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