CSS storage in scrapbook

Dec 06, 2008 04:42

CSS storage in scrapbook

Short, concise description of the idea
Being able to upload CSS sheets to scrapbook for our lj layouts

Full description of the idea
At the moment, if we want to upload CSS style sheets (especially those with more than 16000 characters I think) we need to sign up to a web server and upload it - and those web servers might crash at some point or another. Since the CSS is for lj, scrapbook should be set up to accept our style sheets.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Don't have to sign up for external web servers for long stylesheets.
    Can have multiple stylesheets available for use at any giving time
    Don't have to worry about external servers crashing
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Getting scrapbook to accept and display CSS sheets as opposed to pictures and vids.

scrapbook: file formats, file storage, styles, scrapbook, § no status

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