Allowing for full security of login/secure pages....

Feb 25, 2006 20:24

Allowing for full security of login/secure pages....

Short, concise description of the idea
When on an ssl address, having the lock (for ie) display in the bottom right-hand corner of the display.

Full description of the idea
When on secure pages for LiveJournal, due to the header not being on the secure server and the page not referencing the header on the secure server, the lock in the bottom right hand corner of the ie browser doesn't display-so to make sure you are connected securely, it involves going up to file/properties... etc. Just an easier reference to check the bottom right hand corner.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Easier to make sure you are on a secure connection - some of us are a bit paranoid out there.

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Creating a header for the ssl side.
  • Having to reference all the ssl pages now to that header.
  • Adding pics to the ssl side as well, etc.

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Basically the list of problems details what needs to be done for implementation. All references to the ssl page - all the includes, etc - need to be copied to the ssl side and then referenced to the ssl file on the page. Is a bit of job for something so tiny, but makes it look more secure to those who don't know how to check for security except to look for the lock (for example) in IE.

security, § implemented

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