Short, concise description of the idea
book about livejournal
Full description of the idea
The staff of LiveJournal all contribute in some way to a book about LiveJournal. It will cover everything from the history of LiveJournal, how it works, how revolutionary ideas were concocted, trends in livejournal, day-in-the-life of LJ staff, and perhaps favorite posts picked by the staff themselves. This may sound stupid, but I get a Jedi sense that people would want to read this book.
An ordered list of benefits
- entertainment
- publicity
- clarity
- intention
- fund-raising
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- bad publicity
- accusations of selling out
- accidental perpetuation of bad karma
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
- may want to hire someone to co-write
- may not want to tell everyone all your secrets