Change the sort-order of journal Entries
Short, concise description of the idea
Sort journal entries by the user-provided datestamp, not by the time they were added to the server.
Full description of the idea
Currently journal entries are displayed in the order they were added. This means that if your friend adds a load of entries en-masse your friends list will suddenly contain a bunch of old entries at the top.
They can backdate of course, but you might actually want the recent entries to be seen on your friends list, and anyway you can't get a syndicated feed to backdate when it pulls-in a bunch of new entries (e.g. when you create a new feed or get the feed URL updated).
An ordered list of benefits
Stops a lot of non-backdated (e.g. syndicated feed) entries that are sometimes months out of sequence from occupying the top of your friends list when they all get added at once.Allows you to enter your own journal entries out of sequence without needing to backdate them and thus having them not appear on your friends' friends pages (ref http://www.livejournal.com/community/suggestions/381888.html).An ordered list of problems/issues involved
Removes the need for the backdate feature, or at least means that it needs to be renamed.An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
Some people might want to keep the sort-order the way it is, so perhaps it would be best to offer a "sort by" option in the S2 style customisations, something that gets filtered-through to the ljlib.pl as another parameter to the functions that return the lists of entries.