Additional Post Privacy Options

Apr 02, 2011 06:36

Additional Post Privacy Options

Short, concise description of the idea
Have a setting for LJ and Facebook Friends Only

Full description of the ideaThe basic notion would be to expand upon the LJ Friends Only setting to have an additional setting that would add those listed as Facebook friends as well -- meaning that the only people that could ( Read more... )

security levels, external services, external services: other sites, facebook twitter connect, § no status

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azurelunatic May 14 2011, 05:57:50 UTC
I like the concept, but (perhaps inevitably) quibble about the specifics of the implementation.

The idea of creating it as a full separate level of security gives me the twitches, and additionally it feels like it would be too much of a promotion of Facebook. I would be fine with automatically created custom security groups that include full-LJ-account friends, Twitter account friends, OpenID friends (maybe even drilling down to source domain?), Facebook account friends, and any other subsequently added account sources -- but not with having it be a thing that you can pick out of the top-level security menu, if that makes any sense to you.

I would also be fine with a means of automatically importing one's Facebook friends. I will probably draw fire from the commenting contingent who dislikes anything that Dreamwidth has done for suggesting this, but if there's a way to reserve or pre-set-up Facebook Connect commenting accounts in a similar way to how Dreamwidth pre-sets-up OpenID accounts on the behalf of LJ users when a Dreamwidth user imports their LJ friends into their security filters, then I'd suggest something like that. Though given the nature of LJ vs. the nature of Facebook, I'd say something less broad-spectrum, like presenting a menu with all the Facebook friends someone has, and let them choose which to import as friends. Once they've done that, if the Facebook user hasn't already set up their connection, an 'ext_' account is set up for them, with minimal, publicly accessible information only. Then all the Facebook Connect accounts are added as friends, and the user can decide how to shuffle them around in their friends groups.


cahwyguy May 14 2011, 13:11:12 UTC
The problem with your approach is that it is too static: if one's FB friends list changes, that wouldn't be propagated back into LJ. Just as with "Friends Only", which is dynamic enough to be "my friends today", not "my friends when I posted this", you would want a setting that is "whatever my FB friends list is as of the time of reading".


azurelunatic May 14 2011, 17:44:50 UTC
You would want that. You've nicely identified the exact source of my twitchiness about having friends on another site treated as a security level. If I'm going to show my LJ entries to people, I want to have authorized those people on LiveJournal, not on another site, even if my account on the other site is never compromised.

I wouldn't be opposed to having the sites talk to each other, and regularly prompt me if I want to change a relationship somewhere else if I've changed it on one site, but I don't trust either Facebook or Twitter enough to give them the keys to my anything.


cahwyguy May 14 2011, 17:55:24 UTC
You're misunderstanding things,then. If you choose LJ friends only, you get only the LJ friends. However, if you are using FB connect, and have your FB set up to have its posts be friends-only, it would be nice to be able to have your LJ posts visible to them without your having to change things *and* without having to make it fully public. Thus, if you could set up the post to be LJ and FB friends, that would solve the problem.

If you're twitchy about the FB friends, then don't use the setting.


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