Community maintainers should be able to disallow Cyrillic posts

Jan 20, 2011 22:51

Community maintainers should be able to disallow Cyrillic posts

Short, concise description of the idea
The maintainers of a community should be given a checkbox option that would prohibit Cyrillic-alphabet posts in the community. This would go a long way toward ending the spam problem in English-language LJ communities

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communities, § no status, spam

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silverflight8 January 23 2011, 06:49:12 UTC
I sympathize with you about the spam, I really do, but I have to agree with lady_angelina and danceinacircle - the underlying idea is discriminatory and I don't like the idea that LJ must be split between "the Russians" and the English-speaking portion.


fiddlingfrog January 23 2011, 06:59:37 UTC
I agree. My favorite community on LJ, retro_futurism, is a great mix of Russian and English speakers and I'd be quite bummed if the mods there decided to automatically deny posts in English for any reason.


ron_newman January 23 2011, 07:03:14 UTC
And the maintainer of such a community, recognizing that it is mixed-language, would not enable this option.


fiddlingfrog January 23 2011, 07:05:42 UTC
You sure about that? What if one of the maintainers had a bout of nationalism and decided to enforce a "Russian only" policy?


cos January 23 2011, 15:08:50 UTC
As mods, they could already do all sorts of destructive things to the community. LJ already has features that give them such power. Adding another such feature won't induce the mods to suddenly start acting against the community they've apparently been good stewards of so far.


lied_ohne_worte January 23 2011, 21:29:22 UTC
Quite apart from the fact that there are in fact other languages than these two, and other countries besides the US and Russia.


silverflight8 January 23 2011, 21:31:18 UTC
Yes, true. Perhaps I should have specified Cyrillic/Roman scripts instead.


lied_ohne_worte January 23 2011, 21:36:37 UTC
Meh, it's a pet peeve of mine. :-) In lots of English-language comms, posters think they are being inclusive when they remember that there are also people living in the UK. No one else could possibly have access to technology.

Wow, the comment system is quite robust today. This is the third attempt...


silverflight8 January 23 2011, 21:52:06 UTC
Whoa, comments are coming in funny. o.O First I had four notifications, and then two? Anyway.

In lots of English-language comms, posters think they are being inclusive when they remember that there are also people living in the UK
Yeah. And the surprise (omg Canada exists, other countries have English speakers).


danceinacircle January 24 2011, 04:05:44 UTC
Don't act like you Germans have the interwebs yet. You snuck over into the Netherlands to post this, didn't you? =P


lied_ohne_worte January 24 2011, 08:00:43 UTC
No, I've been caught!

People from my year were in fact asked during exchange visits to the US whether we had electricity and computers, whether the Berlin wall still stood, whether the Nazis still governed us, and whether Hitler was still alive (all that in the late 1990s). Not much will surprise me any more. ;-)


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