Tagging hierarchy

Mar 08, 2010 20:56

Tagging hierarchy

Short, concise description of the idea
Allow tags to be arranged hierarchically, so that tags can be nested into multiple levels.

Full description of the idea
Currently, tags are not hierarchical. They all reside on the same level, so to speak, despite some rather obvious relationships between tags. Incorporating a hierarchy into the tagging system would simply group similar tags together under a heading.

For instance, the following tags:

authors: Dickinson
authors: Shakespeare
authors: Poe
plays: Romeo and Juliet
plays: King Lear

would appear visually in the following manner:

Romeo and Juliet
King Lear

In my example, I've used a simple punctuation mark, the colon, to indicate a hierarchical relationship... a carriage return of sorts.
An ordered list of benefits
  • easier tag navigation
  • increased flexibility with tagging
  • better visual display of tags
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • This may adversely affect the tagging systems of certain journals which rely on whatever punctuation mark is chosen to indicate a hierarchical relationship if those tags are not intended to be hierarchical.

styles, tags, § no status

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