Red and Gold

Nov 02, 2010 03:51

Title: Red and Gold
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sex sex sex
Summary: During a host club trip to an onsen, Tamaki and Haruhi room together, and things get a bit out of hand...

This was written for my sister as a personal request. That said, please do not nitpick or nag about the little things. This was a gift. I didn't originally plan to post this. Ever XD So I recycled some of my favorite themes/little bits of dialogue from my previous fics... just little ones... thinking it would be fine since no one but her would ever read this. I'm not entirely happy with this fic, but the world can always use more TamaHaru lemons. So please, be gentle. I don't care about inaccuracies/little faux pas at this point, but spelling/grammar errors are what bothers me, so feel free to point those out.

This was inspired by a line in Poe's song "Spanish Doll" <3

A memory gilded in red and gold
Beauty guarded and never sold
I keep it with me wherever I go
And I love you still
No matter how the story will unfold

“This place has a really amazing view!” Haruhi exclaimed, and Tamaki looked up from his suitcase as she turned her head to look at him. He looked rather amused and he straightened up and came to stand beside the window with her. Tamaki was wearing the red and gold kimono that the onsen had provided him with and it looked quite strange for a moment to see him dressed so traditionally Japanese when the European touch to his features was so very pronounced in this light. It struck Haruhi as odd that the onsen rented out such ornate kimonos.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked musically, his elegant hand gestures causing Haruhi to need to duck several times to avoid being hit by his flying fingers. “Kuze-senpai recommended this place. It’s very quiet this time of year.”

“It is…” Haruhi was held mostly silent by the sight of the gold and red maple leaves that rustled in the distance. “I’m glad we came when there weren’t a lot of people. It might be hard to get into the baths that way.”

“I’m really happy you’re enjoying yourself, Haruhi,” Tamaki chirped, slinging an arm around her shoulders. She grumbled and ducked out of the embrace, shooting him a look, but he mysteriously did not notice, despite the fact that he was looking straight at her. “And that you seem to like this place. For some odd reason those horrible doppelgangers said you wouldn’t be happy coming on a vacation with us!”

“Well, I do think it’s interesting to see a place like this,” Haruhi mused. “These kinds of places have been around since the feudal era and it’s kind of remarkable that we still use them the same way as the shogun did.”

“I see you are interested in the local history!” Tamaki exclaimed, trying to embrace her again and getting a hand pinched for his trouble. “I myself am quite the history buff, you see. It’s but one of the many areas in which my genius breaches…”

Haruhi sighed heavily and tried to drown him out. He was impossible. She had hoped maybe a vacation to a hot spring would be relaxing, and she was kicking herself now for getting her hopes up. This was a vacation with the host club. Of course it wouldn’t be relaxing. To make matters worse, the rooms had only space for two people each, and as the twins had naturally wanted to be paired up, as had Hunny and Mori, Haruhi was stuck with Tamaki, who had flat out refused to let her room with Kyouya after what had happened at Nekozawa’s beach house. It was just her luck that there had been only four rooms available at the rather small inn when they arrived. There was a grand total of twelve rooms in all.

“Look, senpai,” she said patiently, fixing him with a slightly threatening stare. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I really want to do some relaxing on this vacation. So if it’d be possible for you to be quiet…”

He didn’t seem to hear her. “… and I can’t help but think of how warmly fate has smiled down upon us to have made us roommates for the trip! You did choose to room with me, after all. Could it be that you’ve finally fallen for me?”

“Dream on…” Haruhi muttered, turning away. Tamaki whimpered, his pride clearly wounded. “You made me room with you, remember?”

“Haruhi,” he whined. “How can you be so cruel?”

She sighed again. “I’m sorry,” she muttered, and Tamaki gave a happy little bark. As she moved back toward her own futon, Tamaki did the same and started rummaging through his suitcase again, tossing various items onto the bed. Haruhi saw a toothbrush, a set of keys, a washcloth, a package of ramen, and a mysterious looking container fly out before she made any move to interrupt him. “What’s that?”

“Oh, this?” Tamaki asked, seeming delighted that she was taking an interest. “It’s nutella. It’s a hazelnut spread from Belgium. It’s pretty popular in Europe. My friend Leo sent it to me recently and I brought it along in case I got hungry. Do you want to try some?” he was coming over to her futon now when she stood, shaking out her blanket, and he unscrewed the lid.

“Sure,” Haruhi said, shrugging. She supposed it couldn’t hurt to try everything once. Besides, if she said yes, chances were he would be happy. He was never quiet, but he was comparably more so when he was happy. Nimbly he stuck one graceful finger into the brown contents of the jar and held it out to her.

“There aren’t any spoons. I forgot to bring one. I’m sorry,” he said, sounding sincere, and Haruhi shrugged and licked at the spread on his finger. She had wanted to tell him that she had her own fingers to lick from, but at that moment it was far less painful not to argue; she had to room with him for three days, after all. But the spread tasted divine, sweet and nutty and chocolatey all at once, and she unthinkingly closed her mouth around his finger to get the rest of it. She sucked carefully, moving her tongue against his finger where the nutella clung, and Tamaki made the most curious noise, somewhere between a squeak and a moan. Haruhi glanced up at him and found that he was flushed brilliantly crimson like the satin of his kimono. Finishing, she released his finger, a bit embarrassed.

“Do you want some more?” he asked in a tiny, strangled voice, and she shook her head.

“That’s okay,” she told him, but he already had more on his finger and had placed it gently between her parted lips. She went back to work again, not bothering to try to understand him or his motives. He was staring down at her this time and when she looked up she saw the strangest look in his eyes, something burning, as though he was on the brink of exploding. He looked like a man possessed, and when she dropped his finger this time he leaped forward and without warning crushed his open mouth to hers. The container of nutella clattered to the floor. The kiss was obviously unplanned and messy and wet, and he tasted like mint and citrus. Almost immediately Haruhi was struggling, shoving him back and disengaging their lips. She wiped her mouth with the flowing lavender sleeve of her kimono.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked in a hoarse gasp, her eyes wide and her cheeks hot. He had to have lost his mind. That was the only reasonable explanation. She had rejected him, and hard, but still the seed was planted. The very air in the room felt different, heavier. Inexplicably Haruhi felt a bit exhilarated, the taste of his mouth lingering on her tongue. So what if he was her senpai, she mused. So what if letting him kiss her was crazy? Some part of her wanted it to happen again. She must be losing her mind as well, she thought with some measure of distress.

“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, his face even redder now. He looked embarrassed and Haruhi felt an outpouring of sympathy, despite what had happened. “I didn’t mean to upset you! I shouldn’t have done that, and I know it! You just… you looked so cute in your kimono and you were sucking on my finger and… and…” his blush deepened and for a moment Haruhi stopped and wondered if it was healthy for him to be so red, if he had enough blood in the rest of his body. She hoped it wouldn’t make him pass out and she was concerned.

“You should really calm down,” she told him, and he hiccupped. “You’re going to put yourself in a coma.”

“Okay,” he said in a small voice, taking several deep breaths. For a moment there was silence and he avoided her eyes. Slowly, almost as if in a trance, her heart beating heavier than normal, Haruhi picked up the container of nutella and stuck her index finger in. Tamaki stopped avoiding her gaze and watched her curiously as she stood on tiptoe and pressed her finger to Tamaki’s lips, an invitation. She didn’t think, only acted, impractical and capricious as only Tamaki had the power to make her. Almost timidly, he licked the spread on her finger and then took her hand gently between both of his, taking her finger into his mouth. With care he began sucking at the spread there, but the way he did it was infinitely different than the way she had. There was an air of sensuality about him, a dark smolder to his indigo eyes that made her insides quiver. He leaned down so she didn’t have to be on tiptoe and this way, with her hand directly in front of her face, he was at eye level with her and she could see even better that flash to his eyes, that sensual throb that told her at least for the time being, she was his now.

“Tamaki-senpai…” she muttered, not entirely sure how to react to the delicious squirm he was causing inside her or the undeniable and embarrassing impact all this was having on her lower regions. She was unaccustomed to feeling this way, and it was a little humiliating that he had barely even done anything and her body was already reacting. He pulled away from her finger, leaving it clean, and his eyes narrowed at her as he came closer.

“For tonight, I’m not your senpai,” he whispered, his lips only a fraction from hers. When they pursed to form the ‘p’, they brushed hers and she shivered.

“Okay…” she said weakly as he gently put his hands on her sides and slid them down to her hips. He simply held her like that for a moment and then, variably making love to her with his eyes, he kissed her. This time he was more patient and the kiss was innocent at first. He let her go at her own pace and when she stopped thinking of how crazy this was and her hands raised to grip his shoulders, dropping the nutella for the second time that night, he coaxed her mouth open skillfully with his. She had to wonder for a moment just how many girls he had kissed this way. But for tonight it didn’t matter. They were in another world here in this room they shared, and none of the usual things mattered. For this moment she didn’t feel like his kouhai; she felt like his lover.

Squeezing her hips a bit, Tamaki ran his tongue across her lip and then sought hers with it. She was clumsy and a little embarrassed that she didn’t really know what to do but Tamaki didn’t seem to mind. He kissed her passionately, almost madly, and she wondered if he thought she was a harlot for responding so enthusiastically, for taking all he would give her without a single thought of tomorrow. With a soft hum into her mouth he drew her closer, melting the angles of their bodies together, and Haruhi was not sure whether to be embarrassed or fascinated that she could feel the beginnings of his arousal pressing her through the dual layers of satin.

“Haruhi…” he moaned, his voice husky. Haruhi flushed a bit. She had never heard her name spoken that way before. It sounded dirty and it sounded perfect. And now he was kissing her again, his pace frenzied, his hands feeling a bit too hot against her hips, holding her up and against him. His tongue made her dizzy sliding skillfully against hers and his fingers traced small circles on her hips. Tamaki’s mouth moved to her neck, pressing kisses there and then sucking, licking, kissing deep and wet as one of his hands tugged at her kimono, making it fall around one shoulder and kissing the places that were exposed as the satin fell away. Slowly, almost as though he was afraid of her rejection, his hands began to wander. They slid easily over the satin and he found her breasts through the material, caressing them lightly and smiling tenderly but smugly when she had to bite her lip to fight back a noise that she was sure would be embarrassing.

“You don’t have to hold back so much,” he whispered against her lips, holding her securely with one arm as his other hand moved leisurely over her body. Under his hand, she squirmed. His touch was gentle but needy and it felt a little like being worshipped. Finally his fingers slid between her legs, touching her through the thin material of the kimono, and she shivered. She was naked underneath, which she had done for convenience-- she had planned on getting into the springs as soon as she got settled into the room-- and it made the sensation that much more acute. He seemed pleased by her reaction and he pressed a little harder, rubbing her with his dexterous fingertips, and though she bit down on her lip again, a strangled moan escaped. Immediately she was embarrassed and didn’t want to look at him. She hoped he wouldn’t notice but of course, aroused or not, he was still Tamaki and noticed immediately.

“It’s okay,” he said softly, tipping her face up so he could look into her eyes. Those eyes of his were impossibly tender at this moment and he was looking at her with immense fondness. “Don’t be so embarrassed. It’s normal to have strong reactions to this kind of thing. Don’t be ashamed of them.”

“Have you done this before, then?” she asked him curiously. He faltered a bit and then smiled again.

“No,” he admitted.

“Then why do you know so much, and how come you can make me feel like this?” she asked, and he laughed a little, smiling dotingly at her.

“It’s easier than it looks, Haruhi. Trust me,” he assured her, kissing her cheek. “Your hands sort of know what to do on their own. But then again maybe it’s not normal. Maybe it’s just my immeasurable passion for you that makes it come so naturally to me.” he smiled at her, infinitely seductive. He was speaking to her the way he would to a customer, but there was such frankness in it that it had to be coming from the heart. She was so taken aback that she couldn’t even stammer a response and settled instead for kissing his readily available mouth. He hummed contentedly against her lips and his hands stroked her back and then her hair tenderly, his fingers threading themselves through the strands.

The innocence was short lived, and Haruhi was surprised that she was the one who was seeking out his tongue this time, who was pressing a little too close to be appropriate. Tamaki took the invitation and kissed her with an almost reckless passion, his hand cupping her crotch again.

“You’re very sexy, you know,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear as his hand found its way between the folds of cloth and touched her without the satin separating their contact. She fairly melted, her body tensing at the foreign but lovely feeling to it. His fingers were warm. “I’ve always thought so.”

Haruhi could really only blink at him in response, not really sure what she was supposed to say. Of course she returned the sentiment, a fact she had always tried not to think about, but saying it out loud was far too embarrassing. She tried to tell him with her touches instead. Timidly, she moved her hands, seeking out the curve of his back, the sinewy muscles of his torso. His kimono already hung partially open over his chest and so it was no great feat to get her hands inside, touching where his skin was warm and smooth and dry. She was surprised to hear his breath hitch in his throat when she touched him.

It seemed Tamaki had been right about her hands knowing what to do on their own. It was a bit difficult to focus on moving her hands when his fingertips still stroked her furiously, but she managed, touching him with a slow hesitation that began to give way more and more as he told her with his eyes and with his soft sounds that he enjoyed it.

“You’re really soft,” she told him without really thinking as her fingertips trailed over his abdomen. Experimentally she squeezed his nipple gently between two fingers and when he hissed in what sounded like rapture and pressed her a little harder with his fingers, she could not hold back a moan and pressed her forehead against his chest until she could see straight once more. Everything was spinning.

With a bit of uncertainty, Haruhi let her hands wander lower, touching the sharp ridges of his hip bones and then, through the satin heated by his body, she found the evidence of his arousal and touched it. Tamaki moaned in a needy, strangled kind of way and the arm that held her so securely squeezed her a bit. Since his reaction had been good, Haruhi kept her eyes carefully on his face and touched him there again. He squirmed and she squeezed him a little with the hand that already gripped him. It seemed his eyes clouded over and they locked with hers, silently pleading.

Haruhi’s heart was racing and her entire body felt hot. It really wasn’t clear to her what she was doing anymore and she hooked one leg around his waist and crushed her hips against his. Tamaki wheezed a bit and got his hand out of the way in a hurry and let her press herself against his erection. She came back to herself just long enough to be momentarily embarrassed before Tamaki’s hands cupped her bottom and ground her against him once more. Clinging onto him for dear life, Haruhi pressed back, and through the motions of their hips they created friction that made her see stars.

“Ha…ru…hi…” Tamaki breathed, kissing her hard as he struggled to untie her obi. Finally it fell to the floor and he pushed her back a bit so her kimono could fall open. His cheeks flushed as his eyes slowly took her in, and Haruhi felt entirely more self-conscious than she had expected. She had untied him too and was pushing his kimono off his shoulders when he lifted her unexpectedly and gently dropped her onto her futon. He came down to meet her so fast that his kimono stayed where he had been and dropped to the floor. Now she lay feeling rather vulnerable beneath him and she was conscious of him still staring at her body, and for the first time in their passion play he seemed almost shy.

The last time Haruhi had been in this position, it had been that night at the beach with Kyouya, and she didn’t feel worried or dirty as she had then. She hadn’t anticipated feeling so safe, but she did. In the pressing silence, she really realized for the first time that Tamaki was naked, and she took a moment to look at him.

The autumn sun was setting outside the window, and in its fiery glow Tamaki’s pale skin was lit with bright oranges and reds that matched his recently discarded kimono. His skin, with its fine sheen of sweat, looked like it was on fire in the fading light. He was smooth everywhere, from his cheeks to his shoulders to his heaving chest. His lips were rosy and a little swollen from her kisses and they were slightly parted to let out the hard breaths that tore out of him. The dark turbulence of his eyes as they roved over her body was unspeakably beautiful and she got caught up in it. She could see the hard muscles in his torso even when he wasn’t exerting himself and she could sense, even for all his gentleness, the impressive strength he possessed. It was a little incredible that he had never done this before and yet she was the one who lay under him now when he could have his pick of nearly any girl at Ouran. There was a rather sensual beauty to him that she had never noticed before and when his eyes stopped in their wandering to lock with hers, she was driven speechless.

The brief stillness was broken when he leaned down to kiss her again, passionate and frantic. Haruhi kissed him back, tasting him, feeling him. It seemed his hands were everywhere and she wondered how they could be touching her so many places at once. She watched Tamaki as he touched her, as he kissed her, as he sat back and grabbed the forgotten container of nutella. He hesitated for a moment and then dipped his fingers into the jar, gently massaging some of the smooth brown spread over her breast. Haruhi’s eyes widened a bit.

“What are you doi--oh…” her words turned into a gasp as Tamaki lowered his head and licked at her breast. Slowly and with careful precision, his mouth and tongue cleared away the stickiness, that wonderful mouth sucking her nipple for a bit longer than was necessary. His mouth felt incredible there and his hand massaged her free beast, making her swear she was going to explode. She found a place in his hair and let her face rest there as he pleasured her. The golden strands were soft to the touch and smelled like jasmine. It was dizzying.

By the time he finished Haruhi was breathless and her cheeks were flushed. She simply lay for a moment, stunned, and then let him kiss her again before she sat up and smoothed some nutella over his neck and his collarbone. She sucked it away slowly, reveling in the way he moaned softly at her attention. It seemed like a crazy dream. Haruhi had never imagined being in a situation like this, especially not with him, and it gave everything a surreal kind of quality. Tamaki held her around the waist firmly and he was trembling just a bit. It made Haruhi feel powerful to make him be able to react this way, and she sucked on his skin a little bit more than she needed to to get the nutella off and didn’t realize she was leaving a mark until it was too late. It was surprising to find that the skin beneath tasted sweeter than the spread.

“Haruhi…” Tamaki whispered as she drew back, his arms still looped around her loosely. He was blushing a bit and his eyes were barely open as breath came slow and labored. Haruhi sat back and for the first time she really stopped to pay attention to his lower anatomy. It looked embarrassing somehow to her, somehow out of place amid all the smooth and jutting curves of his body, but that could have been because it was so worryingly large. With his height and the size of his hands and feet, she supposed she should have expected it, but it was still rather stunning. For a moment she simply stared at it, fully erect and intimidating and leaking several drops of precum that glistened in the fiery light. Then, slow and businesslike, she reached for the jar and went to work coating it. Tamaki’s eyes widened and he squeaked at the first touches. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t, and Haruhi was glad. It was embarrassing enough already. She added some nutella to his hip bones as well, so she had somewhere less overwhelming to start, and then looked up to him to make sure it was alright.

“Do you want me to do this?” she asked, and he nodded furiously.

“Yes,” he whispered with such enthusiasm that she blushed a bit. Leaning down, Haruhi started licking the smooth chocolatey spread from his hipbones, sucking there and biting just slightly, doing whatever made him react the strongest. It was all strictly experimental, and she found that it was a good way to figure out what he liked. It seemed, however, that he liked everything. He squirmed against her and she had to hold him in place by his hips eventually.

When she finished with his hips she moved on, coming to his balls next. He was as impeccably clean as she would have expected of him, and she was grateful. As Tamaki spread his legs wider to let her reach everywhere she wanted, she began the process of getting to know him there as well. He seemed rather sensitive in this place and she tried to be gentle, working with slow, soft licks. When it was time to move on to his penis, she faltered for a moment, nervous. The first licks were tentative but she had no reason to be nervous. Tamaki fairly howled, grabbing onto her shoulders. Instilled with a new sense of confidence, she began licking her way up and down his length, her thumbs massaging the front of his hips as she worked. She loved the way he seemed to be going mad and the way whimpered and moaned and just generally lost control of his vocal cords altogether. It was very Tamaki and at the same time it was sexy as hell.

Eventually when he had calmed down a little, Haruhi tried taking him into her mouth. It was rather small and it wasn’t easy to fit much of him in, but she problem-solved until she found she could focus mostly on the head and still get a reaction from him. Fueled on by his noisy approval, she experimentally tried bobbing her head forward. She misjudged how far to move and gagged, nearly throwing up as he hit the back of her throat. However, she refused to be disheartened and when she found out just how far she could move comfortably she began doing just that, her hands touching his lower body idly as she did so. Tamaki was obviously having difficulty holding still and he sounded overwhelmed, as though he didn’t quite know how to handle the sensations he was experiencing. He whispered her name again and again, breathless and needy and sounding almost disbelieving. When Haruhi’s hands found his bottom and when one finger poked experimentally at his entrance he gasped, squeezing her shoulders hard as his whole body tensed.

“Ohhhh…” he moaned rather loudly, and he took her body carefully in his arms and lay her back on the bed, reaching again for the nutella. His cheeks were flushed and he was breathing hard. “I don’t think I can last much longer,” he explained, looking a little embarrassed. “But I shouldn’t without you getting to have a little fun too, right?”

“What do you mean?” Haruhi asked, but his intentions became clear when he spread her legs carefully. He touched her womanhood lightly, simply staring, and she wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed or flattered at the way he was gazing redfaced at it. Delicately he spread a dollop of nutella over her and she squirmed a little, anticipating what was going to happen next.

Tamaki’s tongue was as skilled with licking as it was with relentlessly talking, and with the first tiny, teasing licks Haruhi already felt like she was flying. Her breath hitched in her throat as he started out with quick, fluttering licks along the length of her cleft and then started giving her long, slow, sensual ones. If she had enjoyed him licking her breast, it was nothing compared to this. She couldn’t even see straight and her vocal cords had a mind of their own. He explored her with his tongue, licking every fold, every centimeter. She found herself being relieved that she had just bathed.

Without warning one of his fingers stroked her entrance and she tensed a bit. Slowly, he slipped it inside her, adding that much more stimuli to the tongue that already danced over her labia. Tamaki began moving his finger in a slow ’come hither’ motion and Haruhi didn’t really know if she was going to be able to handle it. He added another finger and he played her like a piano and with just as much skill as he handled the instrument. His fingers moved faster inside her, not thrusting but simply finding the place that made her squirm and stroking at it as his tongue moved wilder over her. Haruhi was seeing stars. Finally his fingertips pressed hard, rubbing frantically at her g-spot as his mouth closed over her clit and sucked madly.

“Tamaki!” she gasped, and it came out without the honorific and without any measure of self-control. Hearing his name spoken that way seemed to set Tamaki off and he pulled away from her lower body, coming to hover over her and kiss her hard. Her open kimono still hung uselessly over her arms and he lifted her a bit and tossed it aside, letting her fall back onto the futon completely naked. His tongue roamed her mouth and he tasted like nutella and what assumingly was the taste of her lady parts, which was rather embarrassing to say the least. He hovered over her, pressing between her legs, and she felt his head pressing at her, rubbing at her. She could tell how much self-control it was taking him not to simply take her without asking.

“Can I…?” he whispered, sounding far more patient than his trembling body felt, and she nodded.

“Yes,” she hissed, and her voice didn’t sound like her own. She had never heard lust clouding her tone before and she was surprised that her senpai could have this much power over her. Her entire body burned with desire for him and she was wet and trembling and could barely breathe. When finally he locked his arms around her and slowly, achingly slowly, moved his hips forward, she clutched him hard. Inch by inch he penetrated her and she held him hard, unthinkingly biting his shoulder. He moaned.

“Does it hurt?” he asked breathlessly when he was all the way inside, looking into her eyes with concern. His eyes were tumultuous and swirling with a million colors she didn’t even know they had, but they were also impossibly tender and she knew at that moment that she was perfectly safe with him. His lips pressed her cheek and her forehead.

“Yeah,” she admitted. “It does.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“S’okay…” she said breathlessly, giving him a squeeze. “Please don’t stop.”

Tamaki simply lay for a moment, kissing her lips and her face until she relaxed a bit. Then he began to move, and Haruhi wanted to pass out. This felt much better than fingers. Slowly he rocked his hips against her, sliding out just a bit and then farther in, soft gasps escaping his mouth. He looked impossibly beautiful with his intense eyes locked with hers, his lips slightly parted. His hair hung messily into his eyes and he looked wild and dangerous, but for just this moment he looked like he was hers.

Haruhi wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped, finding that changing the angle made it feel even better. Tamaki was thrusting hard, fast and mad and almost out of control. She wrapped her arms around him and he snuggled up against her cheek, squeezing her tight. A million sensations filled Haruhi’s body and she wondered if she was going to explode. All the insanity of this evening was building somewhere inside her in a warm knot that desperately wanted to be untied.

“You’re so tight,” Tamaki muttered, embarrassing her. It was a little sexy to hear him talk so dirty, and when he muttered something in French and licked her neck she swore she was going to go crazy. His hips rocked faster now, jerky motions that made her nearly blind with the shattering sensations he was bombarding her with. Tamaki lifted his head to watch her with fascination, and though it was embarrassing she did not argue. She held him tight and when he uttered her name in the middle of a stream of fast and very dirty sounding French everything tightened and then released and she came in a frenzy of passion, pressing herself against him hard. As she lay beneath him, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm, he smiled at her. His hips variably slammed hers, his breath coming more in pants than actual breaths, and he kissed her, hard and messy and out of control.

“Je t’aime, Haruhi,” she swore she heard him whisper as he squeezed her tight against him and then came with a wave of wet heat inside her, making her eyes widen and her cheeks heat up.

For a moment they simply lay there staring at each other, their breath coming fast and their cheeks red. Finally Tamaki kissed her reverently on the forehead and pulled himself out of her, giving her a smile as he sat up. Her muscles were too weak to follow suit and she simply stared up at him as he picked up his kimono and tucked it around her for warmth.

“I’m sorry I said that,” he said softly, placing a hand on her head in that old way of his. “That I loved you, I mean. I know you don’t quite return the feeling yet and so it was rude of me to push my feelings on you.”

“No…” Haruhi whispered, sitting up and holding her hand out to him, her other hand keeping the kimono in place over her bare chest. “It wasn’t rude. It was… nice.”

“But you don’t love me,” he said in a whisper, looking embarrassed.

“I think that someday I could,” she said sincerely, touching his cheek gently. Her heart hammered behind her ribs and a jolt of tenderness for him shot through it. “Maybe someday soon.” Tamaki smiled, placing his hand on top of hers, and then without warning he pulled her against his chest.

“Thank you,” he said softly, kissing her hair, taking the hint in her words of her fondness for him, for this unspoken feeling of affection that could not possibly be just platonic anymore. He lay them down carefully on the futon and took the kimono from her, sweeping it over them both so they were naked together beneath the satin. Cradling her against his chest like she was a precious treasure, Tamaki nuzzled her hair.

“There’s still so much nutella left,” Haruhi said after a while, and Tamaki chuckled. “We’ll have to use it.”

“There’s always tomorrow…” he whispered suggestively into her ear, his hand caressing her back. Rather than getting irritated, Haruhi rested her cheek against his chest, her head swimming with anticipation.

“There’s always tomorrow,” she agreed. In the small room in the onsen that they would later spend their wedding night in they held each other, and they both knew without speaking that nothing would ever be able to make them let go.

oneshot, rating nc-17

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