(no subject)

Nov 30, 2010 10:11

I took everyone's advice and I practiced! I told my friends I was nervous, so they all put time aside to practice with me there to cling to them if I got scared. It felt silly at first, and at first I was really really scared, but it got a lot easier really quick!

So Berri has conquered her fear of Left4Dead~!

I event shot 36 zombies~... and missed over 300 times but that's not what matters, the fact is that I can sorta shoot. I'm even feeling confident enough to start practicing on my own, so that I don't mess up!

And the semester is coming to a close! I'm really lucky, because most of my classes just require me to do some take home exams, like writing an essay in Japanese or reflecting on my Public Speaking in 5 pages, so I might even get to go home early. Lucky~.

NaNoWriMo is almost done. Too bad I got too busy to participate. But I got enough written for my Visual Novel project that my friend agreed to help me do proper character designs. Yay~.

Anyway, Berri is all set and ready to try hard until the semester ends ! Fight Fight! I hope everyone else can do their best too!
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