B-Berri might be weak...

Nov 26, 2010 23:01

I appear to have a problem on my hands.

It is not my stalker. It is actually not something very serious. It is sort of dumb and not worth a second entry today, so do not worry, but Berri needs to get brave before tomorrow!

You see, a friend of Berri's that is very nice bought an online game subscription for her other friends and Berri was included. It is called "left4dead2". But she asked, she asked "Do you like zombies?".
And I said "Sure!" Because there is a cool not scary zombie character in Mayfield so zombies must be okay. THUMBS UP.
And then she bought it for me as a gift so I could play with her and our friends, because Berri's an old geezer and everyone counts on her with these sort of games. Like when we play Mitadake High!

But you see, Berri is a bad girl. I-I started up the game a bit early... I wanted to practice and be awesome so I could be useful! And this opening movie played and I realized that I'm a scaredy cat. C-cause there was this guy who got mauled with a shovel thing and this girl whose throat was "blegh" and she was "blegh" and then there was shooting and and


So I need to get brave fast! Because I am expected to play tomorrow! And help out! 
Does anyone have tips for how to play first person shooters?
Maybe even with your eyes closed.
I used to play them when my neighbors were into them and I had to show them why you don't make fun of Berri, but they sucked so I didn't have to do much to be better than them. that was mean to say, I'm sorry neighbors.
I don't want to disappoint everyone and I definitely don't wanna run away. I just need tips for these shooty games! So I can be an ace. Everyone is looking forward to playing with me! I don't want them to be sad because Berri is stupid.

I'm sorry to be so needy and awful and whiny again, but I really really don't want to have to say I'm too scared to play with everyone, when they're all looking forward to having me play with them...
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