[OOC] Stats/Permissions

Mar 30, 2008 12:10

Name: Sharon Lainsworth
Age: Well. She LOOKS 13/14, but considering she didn't age at all during the timeskip? KIND OF HARD TO SAY.
Height: Tiiiiny. Shorter than Oz, maybe around the same height as Alice
Medical Info: She's healthy! Except for that whole "I don't age" thing.
Eyes: Reddish-brown
Hair: Long and blonde
Physical traits: Is tiny smiling ojousama-loli. Nothing that hugely stands out. :)
What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Anything~ Sharon looks very young, but she's a smart girl, and really difficult to phase.
Abilities: Sharon's a legal Contractor of the chain "Equus," which is ... a black hell unicorn o lol. It can travel from shadow to shadow (though it usually stays in Break's) and allows her to communicate with the person whose shadow it's inhabiting. It also lets her open gateways (though probably not as powerful or direct as Raven's) and appears to have battle capability, though she gets taken out before we see Equus in that fashion. :(
Notes for the Psychics: She's a very polite and proper young lady! She's probably most concerned for Break and Oz, but all her canonmates are there in her head.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first, please!
Maim/Murder/Death: ... lol uh. It depends on whether or not Break is around? (Ask me first.)
Cooking: Someone else takes care of that, right? :)

ooc, housekeeping

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