[OOC] App/voting

Mar 30, 2008 01:13

Character: Sharon Lainsworth
Character Age: Appears ~13/14
Series: Pandora Hearts

CANON: Pandora Hearts is about how Oz Vesalius totally didn't get a pony for his fifteenth birthday: instead, he gets stabbed by his best friend and tossed into the "Abyss," a dark and terrible place full of things that go bump in the night. He forms a pact with a denizen of the Abyss -- a bunny-girl named Alice -- to help her find her lost memories in exchange for his freedom, and emerges from the Abyss ten years after he was banished. Now he has to deal with shadowy organizations out for his head, the mystery of Alice's lost memories, and the sheer mad wonderland his life's become. He probably should've asked for the pony.

At first glance, Sharon Lainsworth is nothing more than a sweet and demure young noblewoman, without any cares beyond her social obligations and face. In reality, she works for a government organization known as "Pandora," dedicated to researching the Abyss and its inhabitants. She's impeccably polite and well-spoken, kind (almost maternally so), but with a tendency towards hidden aces up her elegant sleeves. Sharon is one of Oz's allies as he adjusts to his new life and acts as Xerxes Break's balance and foil: diplomatic when he's direct and delicate where he's blunt. Very little fazes her -- she's a very "my pace" sort of person, letting things come to her as they will and rolling with the punches.


Oh, my, my, this will never do; a proper party outfit requires a bit more, don't you think? With all these fine minds here -- yes, yes, including the ones on platters -- certainly we can think of something more attractive to catch someone's eye. Flowers, perhaps? I'm terribly fond of lilies, myself; I find they add a certain charm to things! Yes, with a corsage of lilies and some ribbons, why, I'm sure no one will even notice the missing pieces of your jaw or the off-yellow color of your skin. Once you put on your best face -- though oh dear, I've never seen that happen quite so literally before -- you'll certainly be the life of the party.

See, don't you look nice? Now straighten up, that's good. Even if you have only one leg to stand on, you should carry yourself with proper posture. After all, grace will follow if you have confidence in your stance. Of course, proper etiquette is also important! Mind your p's and q's and take care that you don't lose your eyes in the process. Ah, but please do be careful of invitations from the bear that's been lurking around; I'm not entirely sure that his intentions are ... pure. He approached me when I first arrived at this place, and while his manner was initially quite polite, he became rather insistent on my person shortly thereafter. I found I had to persuade him rather firmly of my disinterest. ... How? Mm, well. Do forgive my reticence. A lady must keep a few secrets♥ Still, at the very least I would recommend a chaperone; I would lend you mine, but he seems to have wandered off for the time being. No matter, I'm sure that that Miss Marcy, the bunnies, and I can find ways to entertain ourselves in the meantime. It's very sweet of you to worry for me in turn, but really, you mustn't make such a face. Even if the rigor mortis has worn off, you wouldn't want your expression to get stuck, would you?

There, that's much better. Shall we review dancing one last time? Traditionally speaking, you must let the man lead the waltz; you must stay relaxed while still being attentive to his cues. If he goes 'tsun,' then you must follow up with a 'dere,' and vice-versa. Do be careful that your toes don't fall off, either. That might turn out to be terribly awkward, especially if he's not the sort to step on your feet! His hand must stay at your waist; letting it move any lower would be quite scandalous. I realize that this is a little more ... relaxed than most parties you may be accustomed to, but still! As a member of the House of Cfud, you want to be able to properly represent your family, right? And to do that, you must hold your tongue -- oh, no, not literally, do please put that back -- and present yourself with pride. You'll have the entire gathering at your feet, even the ones you don't kill first.

Well now, my dear, I've done what I can. The very best of luck to you for your debut at the zombie jamboree. Show them how well the stone-dead really can dance ♥

Voting was in this post OH MY GOD 98.1% YOU GUYS.

ooc, housekeeping

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