Jan 14, 2008 21:47
Man I miss having hobbies in my life that don't require super meticulous actions on my part.... aka knitting, sewing, drawing, etc.
You know, that silly movie "The Bucket List" has prompted me to make my own list of things to do before I die. Here it is:
1. walk the Pacific Coast Trail or the Applachian Trail
2. get certified to teach dance, yoga or pilates
3. go mountaineering, join the Mazamas, reach a summit
4. finish a marathon (even if I have to walk a portion of it)
5. learn how to man a dog sled (though this one is the least important of the other ones--- it's kinda like the driving of the super expensive car for some people)
It seems that most of my goals involve my fitness and well-being. Maybe I should just start with a low-key fitness regiment of walking and weight lifting. Gotta start somewhere right? Sigh, I miss Color guard. Sigh, I miss college. I need to find the things I liked about both those activities and somehow incorporate them in to my day-to-day life. Color guard = fitness, well-being, pride of my body's accomplishments, passion, dance, & joy. College = friends, knowledge, homework, self-motivation (though I need to kick this up a notch).