May 06, 2005 15:31
Dresdon Dolls was awsome they rocked and I had a great time with the most beautiful amazing girl ever.
There was a reaaaalllly HORRID opening band but they only played FOUR FUCKING songs...which was too many but I had angie to laugh with. She mad me smile about them intead of vomiting. I got kinda pissed as some tall bitches that wedged their way infront of us but it all worked out..we could see fine. We ran into those tall girls again after the show at a Deny's 20 minutes away LOL! Ian our friend tryed talking to them but we where like NO! *giggles* neither of us wanted to be buddy buddy.
I have to work tonight...It's like my first day without angie in almost 2 weeks...I miss's nice to have someone around..that you can just chill and be yourself's like alone time but not really alone time...I'm not making sence. Anyway...this is real alone time and I have nothing to do but eat HER popcycles (I know I know..I'm buying us more...we should take them to schwag in a cooler) and masterbate. I have to f-ing work at 6...thats all for now...I'm trying to wash my own clothes *LMAO*