Feb 15, 2007 10:47
I need to stop being a hopeless romantic, and realize that love and romance is dead...forever. I really got my hopes up yesterday to get something from anthony, and he didn't get me anything because he was too busy doing homework, but I am like majoraly depressed about it. Guys were comming into Town and country yesterday buying half dead flowers and cheap boxed chocolate. That's all I wanted! I went out in a snow strom to get him something. He said he was going to get me something this weekend, but it's just not the same...at all. And to top it all off, I am PMSing so I might just be blowing this all out of preportion. I just don't feel loved at all, he didn't even say that he loved me all day! or give me a kiss, or anything! I kind of just feel like I am put on the back burner. Maybe he is cheating on me or something. Maybe I am just a shitty girlfriend. I feel like I doo alot for him, but maybe it just isn't up to his standards. Maybe he found some pretty skinny girl to take my place, that doesn't go to a shitty school. Maybe i just did something wrong. Maybe I am not ready to be a house wife! I don't like cleaning everyday. I just hate myself right now, who wants to get drunk?