But your burden looks an awful lot like her.

Mar 31, 2008 10:34

[[Back dated to March 28, 2008]]

[Private] My wrist is covered in purple bruises. Good thing is that it's still cold and they're easy to hide. Gods, Pharaoh-sama would go berserk if he saw them. When I got home last night, I noticed that my bottom lip had a small scab on it. Apparently, Yami no Malik had drawn blood but I was too angry to care then. I've been trying to hide it with chapstick, but I feel like it's swollen a million times more than it should. Maybe I'm just exaggerating, since I know it's not swollen, but every time I think of him...of him being that close to me...I feel scared and worried and frightened all over again. The little scab and the bruises are just proof that I was stupid.

What in the world made Yami no Malik do that? You can't just shove your tongue down someone's throat...Especially someone you've just met. I can't....Gods, every time I think about it, it makes me feel like I'm going to be sick.

Thief King Bakura was very nice, though...even if Yami no Malik overstepped his boundaries. [/Private]

Mahaado-sama knows that I skipped school yesterday. How? I have no idea. He's like...psychic or something. Either way, he's upset with me but I promised that I'd fill out five more college applications this weekend, so...somehow that seemed to appease him...a little.

And because Mahaado-sama knows, that means Pharaoh-sama will know to. I haven't talked to him about the reason I skipped, but I want to. I think he's going to want to know anyway and he's more understanding than Mahaado-sama is.

I'm not in the best mood. Malik, are we still going to rave today? We're still meeting at the park after school today, right? I'd really like to if you're still planning on going with me. I...I need a little cheering up.

[Private to Yami no Malik]
I'm still very upset with you. I hope you're learning what I felt like.

[Private to Thief King Bakura]
Thank you for yesterday. I hope you're not too upset with me for changing Yami no Malik into a woman. I was just so angry that I couldn't really stop myself. Thank you for stopping him.
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