Nov 26, 2008 13:03
Finally got the approval of Plan First, and called and made an appointment to get my IUD. By next Wednesday, I'll be sterile. YESSSS. Not really looking forward to the procedure, but I'm sure looking forward to after it's over. That'll be a load off my mind, not to mention off my body.
I have to admit, I surprised myself... there's a certain stigma attached to needing aid, I guess. I saw the Medicaid letterhead and cringed a bit. But hellz, I couldn't get it otherwise, and I bloody well need it, so hey, I'm glad the state has something set up to help out low income folks like me. I'm sure I'll pay them back in taxes once I am through with grad school and hopefully get a real job/life.
Speaking of which, I just made my appointment to take the GRE test... SCARED. What if I bomb it? I don't feel like I prepared sufficiently. I know I'm bright and I know I'm good at English, but ugh, standardized testing gives me the willies. Also, I know I'm going to suck at the math portion and have already given up on it and accepted that. There is no amount of cramming that can accomplish dick in a week. I'll make up a few flash cards of formulas and hope for the best. Time to get out my candle and start praying for courage. I need to learn to let go, leave it to Spirit. I will study, and I will give it to the Universe, and I will do as I do and it will have to do.
I didn't give myself tons of time to complete stuff for OSU. I have a month. I was so worried about JET I wasn't really working on both like I should have been. Oh well. I get things done under pressure of deadline, so time to crack down.
Must. Get. Hold. Of one final teacher. Need. One. More. Ref.
And I'm off to get on that now. Toodles.
girly stuff,