....lessee...offensive, rude and condescending?

Sep 05, 2007 15:37

....on a completely different note...who's up for some bitchin'?

first and foremost, what the fuck did i ever do to deserve such a blatant disrespect of someone i care about? what the hell did i ever DO except be a friend to you?

and yeah, consider me pissed because that was fucking uncalled-for condescending crap. you do NOT fucking tell me that my fiance is a "a waste of a human being who wants nothing out of life except to have you, to work and play video games.

last i fucking checked, money, loved ones & hobbies are the epitome of happiness.

and i understand that you may have an issue with whatever you THINK you know from what i've told you, but in truth, you have no right to make that kind of judgement and expect me to accept it and follow your advice.

and the whole line "If I hear another complaint about the stupidest shit arguement again... I will NOT support your engagement to him. "

yeah, okay. do whatever the fuck you want. i personally don't give a damn if you don't, because one, it's my decision to deal with justin and his flaws, not yours. two, because you don't even know the entire story. you don't even know HIM, so you can fuck off with whatever opinion your puffed up on.


but this....drivel?!

"You on the other hand are NOT content... your heart will never be satisfied until you tell Justin the truth. At that moment you tell him, you will not only be in sadness you will also be at peace with yourself. Only then will you be truly happy. Even if it means giving up all those years of being together. At least you have them and the memories."

all i have to say to this is, how the fuck do YOU know? what truth? that i'm not content? that i've had cigarettes when i drink? that i likes the pot, occasionally? i HAVE told him, he's perfectly aware of it. he was aware of it from the starting.

but you know what? i'm more upset by the fact that you think actually think that kind of shit.

i LEFT and went to college, and you seem to think i haven't changed. you seem to base your opinion/knowledge on the scattered conversations we've had, and the posts i've made in livejournal. i respect and appreciate the fact that you're worried, but...i've been hearing it for the last two years and i'm getting tired of it.

i'm fully aware of what i want from him, what he's capable of, and how it should get done...and since i'm the one who's gotta deal with justin, as fragile and insecure and anxious over the stupidest things as he is, i'd appreciate it more if you back the fuck off the stuff you don't know shit about, okay?

....for those curious as to WHY....previous-post comments. go ahead and read.
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