(no subject)

Sep 05, 2007 15:23

my grandpa's dying. He's got maybe a week at the most. He's been throwing up blood and doctors think he's had a bleeding ulcer, again...but he's 88. he doesn't want the surgery they can offer, he doesn't even want the IV's


almost all of the family is up or flying up soon just to be here. it kinda...sucks. i don't know how my mom'll take it, or how i'll actually feel when he's actually dead...

but i don't know if it's worse to walk into the hospital room and see him like a holocaust victim, he's that thin, lost 15, 20 lbs over last few days and know he's going to be dead.

it's weird. my paternal grandpa died when i was 11, or 12...i don't remember him or his death very well...i'm just not prepared for this.


it's just gonna be a bitchy, pain-in-the-ass week in general. i wanna write. i wanna do nothing. i'd like to go home and have several, if not one too many beers.

i want it to be friday, dammit, so i know i've got money, at least.

fuck. i need a goddamned credit card so that when i DO have no money, i can at least get gas and make it to work...

argh. i want to feel connected, again.
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