Mar 01, 2010 15:08

I'm writing all of this to keep it straight in my head because this weekend was a blur and a half. It was busy, stressful, but THRILLING and exactly what I'd like to do with the rest of my life...but of course I'd like to get paid much, much more and not have to work a real job. And a personal assistant with a car would be real nice.


There were dreaded tech rehearsals alllll week, so I took a half-day. I was only partially rested, cuz instead of getting like 10 hours of sleep, I went to the Mutiny after rehearsal to decompress and drink and play pool with Ryan. I got a good 8 hours though, worked my 4 hours in Evanston, and went to the Cornservatory to do the opening night of "The Somewhat Gelatinous Blob From Beyond The Grave (And Also The Grave's In Outer Space)" which got a grrrrreat review and recommendation from the Chicago Reader!!!

The show really did kick ass, despite all the aggravation it was giving me during the week. Minimal mess-ups for the win! I really love this cast cuz it's half people I've known and loved for years, and half new friends and we ALL work well! After the show we drank lots of opening-night champagne and partied UNTIL I had to leave to go to my next engagement at The Playground Theater for a Cell Phones show.

I was pretty drunk when I got there, and Ryan and Justin were setting up. I hadn't rehearsed with the boys in a while (like 2 weeks) so I was worried we'd be out-of-sync, but fuck no we weren't! Playing with them comes so naturally now. The audience was non-existant, but we made the most of it. We didn't get paid. Ryan borrowed a co-worker's car (very nice of him, the co-worker I mean), we drove the gear back, dropped off the car, and went home.

Total money made for the night: $0
Time I got home: 5am


I slept in until flippin' 2pm. Ryan and I bought sweet and cheap VHS (except for the VHS of Pirhanna he wanted that was $20) and had dinner before I had to do the Blob again. The show ended at 9:57pm and I had to get out of costume be downtown at Cal's at 10:30pm. Ryan and Justin were waiting for me outside and told me they couldn't find our bag with all of our amp cords and my mic and Ryan's pedal in it. I assured them we probably just left it at the last show and Aaron, the guy who booked us, probably found the bag and took it with him. They refused to be cheered up, but that might have been also because we hit the highway just when a semi truck decided to hit a car. We were a good 15 minutes late.

BUT, then we played, and I sang and jumped around like craaazy cuz I was wearing this pantsuit from the 90's (but it was shorts, totally something a Fly Girl would wear for In Living Color)and I was so close to the end of this crazy-ass weekend so I just let loose, made fun of the audience (in a good way) and had a blast! And the band who went on after us came up to me and said, "We were mad at you before for not being here on time, but that was awesome and we're not mad anymore AT ALL." Hells the fuck yeah. We stayed and drank and made contacts, loaded up, and left.

Total money made for the night: $18
Time I got home: 4am

Sunday was way less crazy, though. All I did was sleep in, cuddle, watch hockey, and eat pizza. It was a well-needed day of doing nothing. We didn't even look for our missing bag (but I got a message today on my facebook that Aaron DID indeed grab the bag and has it in his car!!!)

Tonight I'm gonna go home to my neglected apartment, clean it up a bit, and do my laundry. Of course, time keeps movin' on, and this week's got some busy stuff in it too. We're meeting with a mixer tomorrow for our EP so we can try and get our music out! And more play performances! At least we don't have a Cell Phones show until the 20th. Right now I just want to make the new song sound good and make MORE new songs!
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