I'm still heeeeeeeeeere!

Feb 22, 2010 16:49

I promise promise promise to be better about updating regularly. For now, here's a brief update on my Right Now:

- I'm in Tech Week rehearsals for a show called "The Somewhat Gelatinous B.L.O.B. From Beyond The Grave (And Also The Grave's In Outer Space)". Opening night is Friday.

- Also on Friday (and the Saturday after), I have Cell Phones shows AFTER the play. It's gonna be a fa-reeeky weekend.

This is as far ahead as I can think at the moment. I was able to do my year-end contemplations, which is below. And that, my friends, should get you all the fuck caught up!

1. I'm still alive and not in massive debt!

2. My job still loves me! They even upped my pay this year to a slightly less embarassing wage!

3. I'm still in a sweet fucking band! People like us! I can get around 10-15 people at a show at any given time! People want to book us for things! WE'RE GONNA TOUR IN THE SPRING!!!!

4. I'm living in the best damn city on earth!

5. My brother's becoming a MAN! A skinny jeans, bass-playing, whisker-having MAN! I fed him beer and Mom was pissed! But she got over it!

6. I've eaten more pizza and more varieties of pizza than you can even imagine! Thin crust, stuffed crust, pizza that had fucking MASHED POTATOES AND MEATBALLS on it, you name it!

7. And this is the big one: After fighting for ONE WHOLE YEAR to date a stubborn jaded boy, despite everyone around me telling me it wasn't worth it, Ryan gave in to my weird and wild charms. He says he couldn't be happier. Ditto. He also says I'm the most NORMAL WOMAN HE'S EVER DATED. Believe THAT!

1. Practice Lent. I'm doing it mostly because I've never given something up for a long period of time, and I feel like everyone should experience living without something they're very used to, and in my case, it's meat. And it might be the hardest thing I could possibly quit. Besides cussing.

2. Move into a new apartment once my lease is up. Ideally, I'd like to move in with Ryan, but I don't know if it's a step I or we are ready to take just yet. Granted, a 2-bedroom would be so much cheaper than me finding a studio all by my lonesome and it would be much more convienient than me sleeping over at his place all the time, but I'll settle with just living close to him. 2 studios in the same building would REALLY rock.

3. Get that damn Thomas Pynchon tattoo. I wanted to wait and see if I still wanted it after a year of thinking it over and I DO, even if most of my loved ones find it a bit stupid.

4. Re-staining my Grandmother's deck? It used to be my uncle's job, but it's mine this year!

5. Release some kind of tangible album or EP with The Cell Phones, rise to superstardom. We're working on it.

6. Contact my mother and brother VIA THEIR CELL PHONES!!!! My fam finally came out of their cave and now I get texts from my brother saying things like "Sexting = 4 dicks"!


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