shy_dramaqueen has another You-Sue. The little vermin are everywhere!
The Two Sides Of Jack Sparrow Part 2 CULPRIT:
ares kidSUMMARY: "Jacks come back, asking you, will and elizabeth to go on an adventure with him. How will you cope being on the same ship with the man that left you, wothout saying good bye and leaving a letter? Please r&r. Sequal to The two sides of Jack Sparrow. Jackyou"
BEST LINE: "Even though at the begging of his story you had been in a good mood, while listening to him blabber on you got lost in your thoughts and became in a very bad mood."
Walk the plank.
NAME: Your name, I guess.
EYES: Same as you
HAIR: Look in the mirror
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Hates dresses, they make her faint. Maybe not a feature, but she is pretty feature-less.
OH SO SPESHUL POSSESSIONS: Canon. Sue ownz0rz it, controls it and ridicules it.
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE ORIGIN: You are some random Port Royal inhabitant and a friend of the Turners.
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS/AFFILIATIONS: You were Jack's Tru Wuff in the story before this, but it is eighteen chapters long and I'm *not* going there. Apparently, he left you (Go Jack!) after the last story ended. You are still Jack's Tru Wuff as he confesses to you while you're out cold.
SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: Able to make people laugh for the stupidest things, and at ridiculous length.
Jack comes to Port Royal to take Will on an adventure. Elizabeth and you-Sue go with them even if Jack dumped you two months ago. Predictably, the adventure is smothered under angst and confessions. You are knocked out during a storm, and Jack tells you how much he loves you while you're unconscious. That's it. Three chapters - and that's it.
NOTES: Bored now.
Jack walked off the pearl to be greeted by Will. He wondered briefly who had told him he was on his way. Last time he had expected Will and Elizabeth to be there but this time he thought he was going to go up to their house, and risk seeing the girl he had left behind.
“‘Ello Will. Didn’t expect ye t’ be down ‘ere greetin’ me. How did ye no I was coming?”
“Erm somebody spotted the ship about an hour ago and told me. Jack why are you back so soon… don’t get me wrong it’s great to see you but I didn’t think we’d be seeing you so soon after…” Will didn’t finish his sentence. He knew that both of them knew whom he was talking about but for some reason it didn’t feel right to talk about it. Not where they were anyway.
“Yeah, er Will ye remember what ye asked me before I left. At that party.”
“Yeah. I asked if I could go on an adventure with you, but one with a meaning not just one for treasure. Why?”
“Well now’s yer chance.” Will frowned, and Jack got annoyed because he was being slow. “T’ go on that adventure. But ye ‘av to make yer mind up whether or not ye want t’ go soon, as we’re leavin’ at night fall.”
“Jack, before I make my mind up you have to tell me what sort of adventure and treasure this is going to be about.” Jack looked around and nodded.
“Alright jest not ‘ere.” Both men started up towards Will and Elizabeth’s house. On the way Will warned Jack he might have to see you again as she and Jess were with Elizabeth a lot of the time. Jacks expression was very pained at the thought of seeing the girl he left and that his feelings he worked very hard to bury would re-surface again.
“Elizabeth you are NOT getting me in a dress again. You remember what happened last time.”
“Yes I know you fainted but that wont happen this time I promise. Please please pllleeeaaassseee.”
“Why do you need me to come anyway? Take Will he’s your husband.” After you said that Will poked his head around the door. Obviously he was near when he heard his name being said and wanted to know what was being said about him.
“I heard my name. What do you want?”
“Oh nothing darling. She was just saying that I should take you to the dance instead of her. So what do you think, will you come with me or will she have to after all.” Will grinned. He had heard most of their conversation from outside, him and Jack laughing remembering what happened the last time you wore a dress and laughing at you arguing with Elizabeth about wearing another one.
“Ah sorry, but I’m going away with Jack tonight.” He looked at Elizabeth’s face and explained a bit. “He just asked me, and it was…”
“An offer he couldn’t refuse.” Jack finished off his sentence for him, while coming into the room, feeling slightly uncomfortable at seeing you sat of the sofa next to Elizabeth.
“Well then, me and her (nodding at you) will come to. You aren’t leaving us behind.” Will’s eyes went wide with alarm as did yours, you weren’t exactly wanting to be stuck on a ship in the middle of nowhere, with a man that left you without saying goodbye but leaving a letter instead.
“Elizabeth I don’t think you should come.” Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at Will.
“And why not? I’m pregnant will not dying! I’m coming and there’s nothing you can do about it. Either I go or you don’t.” Will sighed in defeat and you were about to ask whether you had to go when Elizabeth answer for you. “ Yes you do have to come and you aren’t getting out of it. I need someone to talk to. And…” You laughed at what Liz had just whispered to you. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad…