
Oct 19, 2009 23:05

  • 00:26 RT Red Dwarf Animated TimeHole. (via @RedDwarfAnimate) :) #
  • 00:52 I really am off to bed. Check out Not Forgotten from Ohio. They is cool. #
  • 10:29 actually doing college work today, on the first day back, as well #
  • 10:37 This scanner takes ages. :/ #
  • 11:51 #Happy15thAnniversaryClerks Yay you! @KevinSmith Time flies when you are having fun #
  • 14:38 @ Mrs_laureline hope you have had a good time. :) #
  • 14:47 @ Mrs_laureline Glad to here that. Going home is always the most stressful part of a holiday, well it is to me anyways. #
  • 14:54 @ JoelMadden well done Joel. You know that all us fans are so proud of you and what you do. That's why we are the #GCFam #
  • 14:56 @ TonyLovato Bet your left thinking 'Does he actually recognise me or, does he think I'm someone else'. Thats what im like all the time, lol #
  • 15:07 @ DCMAxQueen Everyone in my house was asleep when I woke up, the schools are all on holiday, and I was the only one who needed to get up :( #
  • 15:08 Listening to some Italian Ska. :D #
  • 15:10 @ DCMAxQueen The thing is i get home at about midnight, and they'll all be back in their beds. Its like I'm living on my own. lol #
  • 15:13 @ DCMAxQueen Yeah, though sometimes its like they save up all their bullshit for the weekends, when i'm in. They are so caring, lol #
  • 15:14 @ Sonka86 Its a band called Redska. They make me happy, alhough I understand nothing. lol #
  • 15:16 @ XgcXspX aww *hugs* I'm crud at essays. #
  • 15:21 @ XgcXspX its never the end of the world. Do you find out where you went wrong? #
  • 19:40 @ XgcXspX thats the good thingm you get a second chance. :) #
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