Confusing myself O.o

Oct 19, 2009 17:39

Yeah, I've been at the overthinking again. To the point I have driven myself up the wall.

I sit and moan about how I am uber stressed with college work, yet over the October break I did absolutely nothing. It just feels that because things go relateively smoothly, I make huge issues for myself. I mean now, I am stressing because I have a final design to be handed in for next Monday for Visual Communications (aaaarrrrgggghhh).

Which would be ok, if I hadn't decided, that before the holidays, the perfect thing to do is to rip up my sketchbook and start again. The good thing is, that I am now proud of it. The bad think is that I am still researching the first of three topics.

The topics are: smell/journey

So I'm part way through smell and journey.

The main idea of visual communications, is to display a desired message, purely by pictures. The idea is to use mixed media, and imagination to get across the message. Its fun, but I am trying to make it so my concentration sticks with the whole project. Rather than getting bored half way through, and get bored.

Fingers crossed it works.

annoyance, irked, project, work, college

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