Daily Blog 17: Time Flies

Jun 22, 2018 22:16

Today has been super fast. Which is good.

The video that I had to make for the Forum at work was aired at the site meeting today. I was so embarassed, but everyone liked it. Or they told me they liked it. We had a joke at the end where one of the guys says 'Look at this smoking shelter, made possible by the EDI4 (site name) forum. Its a shame I don't smoke, but it is so nice I might start'. It was a joke, like done in jest. I left it attached to the end of the video, because it was funny, and our General Manager agreed. But then you get some smart-arse going 'it is irresponsible to promote smoking'.

I like to complain, but it was funny. People laughed.


Any-who, it was a fast day. I had a few calls to first aid, which was good. Was audited by health and safety on what i did, but I apparently did okay. Which they have to say, I think. There have been times where I am the only first aider who has a radio, so they have no choice but use me.

Did a few different jobs as well, which is what made the day go fast. Tomorrow will be me dealing with microwaves and TVs, which will mean I will be sore tomorrow night. Better remember my pain killers. 

2018, first aid, joke, daily blog, people, work

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