super angst

Jan 27, 2010 01:43

Not in a good mood at all right now.
Still no word from the arsehole doctor about my meds, so im stuck with a sore everything and just wanting to cry. I get looks cause I have to take my bag everywhere, cause if I carry things, like carrier bags, with my hands, they get all swollen and stiff. And it means I have issues using a pc, hence can't do work or college work. I really cant afford time off either, so I'll just have to put up with it.

I am waiting for the damn doctor to phone me back with results and give me my meds back. But no word as of yet.

Feel like a total grumpy sod, but its really getting me down, when at 25, I am in so much agony I could just stick my head under the pillow and cry. But I know that just makes it harder for me to move, cause I just get stiffer and stiffer. So I make myself get up an at least attempt to be positive. But after being called a 'goth dyke' on the bus after work, I just wanted to curl up and cry. I wish someone could just make it all go away. At the moment all I have is music, and it distracts me a bit, but thats it.

I mean, my hands are starting to cease up typing this, so gonna have to hit the hay soon. Well, lie and watch something on my ipod. I broke my ipod headphones too. And I dont want to take my huge ones in right now. Sorry, I am just a moody bitch, and needed to let off some steam. Is gonna do some more music downloading and do my photoshop colouring.

Byez xx

mood, medication. doctors, angsty-face, aaargh!!, music

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