(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 20:59

New college timetable started today, which has helped keep me distracted from the pain I seem to be in continuously at the moment. There is a brief where I have to try and sell myself, as a brand. I need to find a way to communicate my personality. It also has a part where I have to design a poster for the end of year exhibition, which I am getting right into. I already have ideas, which is great.

But, still no word from fucking doctor. I am not happy. In fact, I am so sore I just want to stay in bed. But I can't afford to with either work or college. And it bothers me cause someone is getting away with murder at my work, whereas I am getting picked up on everything. So trying to focus on college work, and focus my attention on something postitive.

brief, psoter, medication, doctors, college

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