Well welcome back to work was kinda good and bad.
The good thing was that I had my half-yearly review thing, and my manager seems happy with my progress. The only thing which is still an issue, is my call scores, as they are shocking. The thing is, because I get a lot of billing, if there is something I am unsure about, I babble nonsense and just make an arse of myself. But recently my calls have been picking up, and I think that's because everything is getting better. The bad thing was doing customer relations, where we had to do customer feedback forms, and its basically where a customer says whether they are satisfied with Sky or not. It was so depressing. And the emails had poor grammar, and I mean, ok mine isn't perfect, but its not as bad as some people. I mean the words 'has' and 'is' should not sit next to each other in a sentance. And then, you get the replies, where the customer has written in text speak. I mean, I can excuse bad grammar, if you have an attempt, but text speak. I see it as a major insult to every teacher you ever had, if you can't write simple words. Its pure laziness. Beh. Hopefully, it'll be better night.
Also, did something, which may help my money situation. I am applying to SAAS (Students Awards Agency Scotland) to claim back my travelling expenses. I mean I pay £500 a year travelling to college, and having that money back, would just solve a whole heap of money issues I am having. It'll also mean I'll get to book my Rebellion ticket, and hotel in Blackpool. So relieved, it is like my only holiday of the year, and I get away from work and everything else. So that'll be nice :) Plus Stiff Little Fingers are headlining again. SQUEEE Love that band, and they are amazing live, so kinda excited about that. But that's in August, long way off, yet.
Also passed my Vis Comms unit at college. My tutor says she was very happy with my work, and how I evaluated it. So kinda hyper right now. So depending on when SAAS get back in contact, things may be getting brighter.