It's lonely being a lab rat part 1

Jan 23, 2013 07:36

I have had my first treatment of Pamidronate for osteitis pubis.
Some side effects, some which were not obviously the ones I was told about.

I have realised through having this treatment, how much we use and rely on the internet these days.
I don't know anyone else having this treatment.
I don't know anyone else who has had this treatment.
I have no-one to talk to about it who has been there or will be there.

I decided to try and blog about the treatment to help keep fresher some of the thoughts and experiences.
I have about 10 days until my blood test to see if my calcium levels are good enough to go for the second infusion.
the vein that they put the first infusion in is still mildly sore/bruised (first infusion was about 10 days ago).

First treatment did not provide the miracle cure I was hoping for. At the moment i am trying to stay positive and hope it will be cumulative.
I'm also working extra hard to avoid the things that make it worse, so the treatment cures the problem rather than keeping me where I am.

pgp spd pamidronate

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