Wings of a Butterfly by xxxJackalxLoverxxx

Feb 13, 2010 07:22


Actually, I sort of hesitate at "offender" in this case since it's Twilight, but who cares? Twilight gets a pseudo upgrade with Bella being less whiny, bitchy, sullen, manipulative, whorish than usual and instead opts for a new cheery attitude to rival Alice. Especially on her birthday! WOW! And I must give props to the suethor for at least making her little sue be sort of creeped out by the pack of hungry vampires that Bella keeps for friends. That's at least believable.

Unfortunately, it loses in the end because she's supposed to be as "delicate and fragile as a butterfly" or some shit like that in the second chapter which I skimmed through to find any sort of description of this lead character. Lydia Vontrap (Hurr) comes across to me as the author does in her light description of herself in her profile. Emo scene. She pulls out the Hot Topic gear of skinny jeans, converse, Batman and Robin logo tee and Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie, so of course I turn her into a total Hot Topic mallrat for the doll because I just have nothing else to go on. (Big Surprise, given that Meyer doesn't actually give us any real description of Bella except in FAQs. Another big surprise, Bella looks like a young Meyer.)

Why is it that Hot Topic gets abused so often by these suethors I'll never understand. It's a nice store! I like poking around for random things, but it's by no means my sole source of shopping. (Too expensive most often. >: )

So, here we go with a Twilight fanfiction. I never thought I would actually ever do one, because usually that means I'm defending the damn series in question, but in this case I have to showcase Bella's sudden personality make-over and hit on Lydia trying to get into Jasper's Lone Star jeans. (Hurr. Because he's from Texas. Hurr. All right, I'll stop.)

Wings of a Butterfly by xxxJackalxLoverxxx

Lydia Vontrap

Captain Ehren
Chapter One: 1 2 3 4
Chapter Two: 1 2 3 4

xxxjackalxloverxxx, twilight, repeat offenders, jasper/oc

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