Ships & Dip Recap Part Two

Feb 22, 2011 16:50

Sunday, February 6th
"We're going on a bo-at! We're going on a bo-at!" Thanks to Kelly Light, who posted a link to Wackiki Wabbit on FaceBook on Friday, this is the only thing John and I have been able to say all morning. We watched it on his Droid after I got out of the shower, and kept singing it randomly all morning until we finally got ON the boat... at which point it switched to "We're finally on the bo-at!" :D

Very early in the morning, before I got out of bed, John stubbed the three middle toes on his right foot REALLY badly on the corner of the dresser next to the bathroom door. He really thought he was going to lose the nail of the middle toe, and have issues the whole trip. He kept it bandaged the whole time, and it seems to be OK now. The base of the nail is black, so he may still lose it, but it's hanging on for now.

While John was in the shower, I went downstairs for breakfast. Our hotel had a really nice free continental breakfast. I brought up almost one of everything for us. I woke up with a headache (gee surprise after such a long 36 hours of stress, travel and little sleep), so I got myself some coffee to go with my Tylenol (no Excedrin for this momma-to-be!). I brought it all upstairs, but without a desk in the room it was going to be difficult to manage. Instead, John finished getting dressed, and we brought it back downstairs... just in time for many of our friends to emerge for breakfast, too. In addition to everyone from the night before, we also ran into Michael, Barbara, Leslie and Tyler.

Once we finished eating and chatting, we went back up to get our luggage and meet our cab to the port. They sent a van with plenty of room, but we had no takers to join us, even though we'd mostly paid for it already (an extra $2 for four people instead of two. Oh well). It was still cheaper than a regular cab, and we'd saved on the airport shuttle the day before.

I always love the ride from South Beach to the port... driving past all the ships. It adds an extra level of excitement! :D Once we got into the port, the cab took us right to Terminal C, and we got in line to board. We waited. And waited. For some reason they were delaying letting us through security -- I'm sure it was a perfectly acceptable reason, I just never got the full story. We finally were allowed in, and check-in was slow due to computer problems (which would haunt us later...). Finally we got through that, only to sit in another room for a while STARING at our ship, taunting us. LOL! I ate one of the granola bars I had stashed in my carry-on bags, because I was seriously getting hungry! The life of a pregnant woman... pee, eat, sleep, repeat. I wasn't getting much sleep or food so far, but there was plenty of peeing. LOL!

FINALLY we're on the ship! LUNCH! Oh look, there's Michael, Kristen, Kristen, Jen, Nancy and Willow again... what a shocker. ;) After lunch, I think we went off to find our cabin (which would elude me throughout the trip... I never did get the hang of the Dawn!), followed by our usual ship exploration before it got too crowded. While strolling on the promenade deck we heard the announcements start for the Lifeboat Drill, so we worked our way to our muster station. Sadly, lifejackets were not required this time, so I have no goofy pictures for the scrapbook. I meant to take some in the cabin, but forgot. *sigh*

After the lifeboat drill it was time to head back to the pool deck for the "Mandatory Safety Sail Away Show." While waiting for the show to begin, we ran into Amy and Dave for the first of MANY times. We kept saying we were stalking each other. LOL! The show started after we had already set sail, so by the time "Lovers in a Dangerous Time" had begun, we were already past the end of the channel, with a great view up South Beach. We got it on video before a Sixthman person caught John and made him shut it off. Of course, later John was walking around taking pictures (I could only see Kevin's head from our spot), and he saw the same guy walk by three other people blatantly recording video with REAL video cameras -- not a Flip like us, and not official video people -- without saying a word. We didn't even have a clear view of the stage... we were recording the atmosphere. Ass.

After the show we had dinner in the buffet (pretty much our go-to dining establishment aside from two visits to Blue Lagoon, and one to the Venetian dining room -- no pay restaurants for us this year), and headed to Dazzles for Jason Plumb, followed by Brothers Creeggan. If there's any way to spend the Superbowl, it's watching Jason Plumb, instead. LOL! There were TVs on in the venue (Dazzles) showing the game, but few people were paying any attention -- especially when Ed was up there with Jason (3 songs). ;) The big highlight for me was Jason and his band covering Billy Joel's "Movin' Out." He boogered up the lyrics, but it was a lot of fun! :D

Before that show started, we ran into Carrie, and she directed us to go see the Wades - Jen and Oliver. We've been FB friends for a while, but had never met in person. They gave us an ADORABLE little onesie that said "#1 with the Ladies." :D We also ran in to a bunch of other people we knew (duh), including Lou (and my HobNobs delivery mmmm), Leilani, Karen (Weezle), Jerry, Sarah, Allan, Cindy and the rest of the usual suspects.

Going through my photos from V, I realized that we completely missed Brothers Creeggan on the Jewel. I still can't believe it. Luckily, that wasn't the case this time. I'm OK with missing Thinbuckle (which we did this year), but Brothers Creeggan is a must-see! Highlights for me included "Conventioneers" (Andy on vocals), "Spider in My Room," "I Love You" (Andy can scat like no one) and "Waltz for Gretchen."

After Brothers Creeggan was over, we high-tailed it to Stardust for Great Big Sea. After sitting for two shows, I was ready to stand for a bit. We were a little late (I think we missed the first two songs), but saw most of it. I was able to stay up for most of the show, but had to sit back down at the end. Some highlights: Kris's Love Boat Isaac action figure, Murray licking Sean, Celtic Porn, Corporate Bob in his tie. Also, the lyrics change to "The Night Pat Murphy Died": "...Barenaked Ladies were feeling gay... especially Tyler." and "...a gallon of Mojitos for Sean McCann..."

After the show... the only option was bed. OMG yes please BED. A quiet one (mostly... ship engine = white noise)... and a VERY dark one. Make no mistake, interior cabins are CAVES. LOL!

Up Next: Migraines, Mass Nudity, and Snacktime.
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