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sue_dreams December 28 2010, 13:55:24 UTC
This is my sekrit agenda: to lure in the unsuspecting. >D

Not actually, but yay! I'll take the company, especially since I imagine you'll succeed and motivate me to work just that little bit extra this year. Welcome aboard.

You have a point that at least with the challenges, I finish and post things. This was my year of the "Oh, em gee, Deadline Approaching!" I think I just need someone to lie to me about deadlines, though, so that I'm done a week in advance of where I need to be. I have this annoying tendency (not new) to procrastinate.

Civilized, eh? I'll take it. And I'd love to hear the tale. Your "delay gratification for a better satisfaction" brings porny Clex thoughts to mind. Another story for a different time.

(I swear I was going to use a different icon, but when I went to change to this one, I realized my error. It just goes to show I'm meant to write comment!fic early in the morning.

* * *

For the third time in a month, Clark watches as Lex foils the plans of another villain. He lies helpless as Lex strides regally past the carnage of battle (the only victims are art and architecture).

There's no "I told you so", no smug, victorious grin. Lex moves with determined purpose, picks up the kryptonite-laden, gemstone-covered vase that had brought Clark down, and moves off again to take control of containment and cleanup.

It's not until later, when Clark slinks into the penthouse in clean flannel and apology that Lex let's loose. Clark follows the strains of a waltz to Lex's not-so-secret private lab. He hesitates, but the kryptonite is behind lead, if present at all.

Lex turns, dressed in his mad scientist coat, the collar of his shirt rucked up in a way that gives lie to his otherwise calm demeanor. "Clark! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

As long as it has been in coming, Clark finds it difficult to once again step fully into space that is entirely Lex's, but he manages. Once he's made that first move, it's a little easier to keep going until he's eliminated all distance between them. By the time he whispers, "My hero," against Lex's mouth, Lex has not only caught the clue bus, he's invested in public transportation (figuratively, of course).

* * *

Speaking of which, I'm going to miss mine if I don't move.


seagull2eagle December 29 2010, 09:30:59 UTC
Comment fic! Now bookmark it and count it in your writing total. ;D Very appropriate icon indeed. Hee that's great. Love the comment fic. A few more 'Lex's where there should be 'Clark's but that's because we love Lex so much. Hero indeed! Lex rescues Clark, and it's about time Clark rewards him. :)

Heh - for every common challenge we have this year, I'll give you the week-before deadline! ;D Like the clock five minutes ahead in the morning. (Not that it always works for me - I always remember its five minutes ahead ;p)

Civilized cat story. So it's no surprise I indulge my cats all the time. When I have something to eat, I usually chop up a little bit of it and give it to them. They don't always like it, but they're quite happy to at least have tried it. This also prevents much annoyance during my eating as after they've had their bits, they're content to leave me in peace. Been doing this since they were kits. Well, there was one time when I'd been out grocery shopping, and while I was there, I bought one of their rotissery chickens - the fresh baked ready to eat things. When I got home, I put said chicken down on my table. (Which, btw, is not a full-sized table -- I generally sit on the floor and eat off a short coffee-like table only a couple feet off the ground.) I went to put the rest of the groceries in the 'fridge. Then I checked email, then I... about ten minutes later, I'm interrupted by much mewing. I blink at this (my cats don't meow a lot) and go back into the family room...

And there are both my cats, sitting next to the table with the chicken on it, staring at me impatiently and twitching their tails.

The chicken was right there. Out of it's covering and right there. They hadn't even **touched** it. They were waiting for me to come and cut it up for them.


My brother said they were civilized cats when I told him about it.


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